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Age-friendly digital world

Head of the doctoral study in Social Gerontology at Alma Mater Europaea – ECM Professor David Bogataj became a member of the working group within the European project International Interdisciplinary Network for Smart and Healthy Age-Friendly Environments (NET4AGE-FRIENDLY).

The primary purpose of the NET4Age-Friendly project is to establish new local and regional ecosystems and promote the growth of existing ones in each participating European country, which works in the field of health and well-being in the direction of an age-friendly digital world. At the same time, it also establishes an international and interdisciplinary network of researchers from all sectors to promote awareness and support creating and implementing an innovative, healthy indoor and outdoor environment for current and future generations.

"Environmental and geographic gerontology are important Alma Mater research subfields within social gerontology. Our doctoral students can now work with the largest and most prominent network of European social gerontology experts," points out Bogataj. He adds that Alma Mater will achieve European and international visibility in Smart Villages and Smart Lifelong Neighborhoods development.

The NET4Age-Friendly project is led by one of the most influential researchers in the field of social gerontology in Europe, Carina Dantas.