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Alma Mater PRESS has published a Proceedings book with peer review - EDUCATION AND MENTAL HEALTH from the 11th International Scientific Conference It's About People 2023: Social and Technological Development in the Service of Security and Dignity.

Within the Education and Mental Health section were 26 high-quality contributions - domestic and foreign. “The topic from which we start is the essence of every society and is inextricably linked. Upbringing, education, and mental health are constitutive elements of the quality of life, human dignity, the development of the individual and society, and our shared future. Each of the contributions contributed a piece to the mosaic of satisfaction of children, adolescents, and adults in today's society, and the more we raise public awareness of the aforementioned topic, the more satisfied people will be around us,” says the head of the section and editor of proceedings book Dr Sebastjan Kristovič.

You can find the entire proceedings HERE