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Tutoring as a form of helping students

Alma Mater Europaea is reviving the tutoring project for its students. The starting meeting of Student Tutors was held on Thursday, 4th of December 2014, at the Alma Mater Europaea headquarters in Maribor. They were welcomed by the Secretary General of AMEU, Barbara Toplak Perovič, MSc, her deputy, Tomaž Klojčnik, MSc, and lecturer Nataša Vidnar, who is also the coordinator of the Alma Mater Europaea Tutor project.

»We are following the example of all foreign Universities, where tutoring is a common practice when it comes to helping Students with their studies, classes or administrative issues,« Vidnar explained for the AMEU webpage. 

Leon Šerbak, Tine Ritter, Apolonija Rajh, Žan Pukšič, Janja Meško, Neža Kurnik, Sergeja Korpar, Maja Hladnik, Matic Fras, Luka Duh, Lidija Ribič, Alen Kapel, Veronika Gorišek, Branko Čerček, Andreja Kos Hozjan, Aleksandra Malič, April Bakan, Sara Prajndl, Maja Jurša, Maja Štager, Miha Budja and Franjo Kropej were chosen as Student Tutors. 

If you wish to receive help from our Student Tutors, please contact Nataša Vidnar.