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Last call to apply for an Erasmus+ internship

If you want to gain experience abroad during your studies, you are invited to apply for the Erasmus+ program, which finances your internship/practice abroad.

You can conduct it in any company/ institute/ organization whose content is related to your study program. Internship can be voluntary, or you can do it as a mandatory part of a (clinical) training. The latter should be consulted with the head of your study program.

Students and graduates of all levels and study programs of Alma Mater Europaea – ECM, ISH and the Dance Academy are eligible to apply. 

The application deadline is 30 April 2023 via this online form. The internship must be completed by the end of October 2023 at the latest.

Please find more information about the program, forms of mobility and the procedure here. We are available at for any additional information.