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Absolvent stage


In case students did not complete all the required student obligations in their last year of study and did not previously repeat a year or change the path of study, they may request an extension of student status (extended year).

Students wishing to enrol to the extended year, must submit an electronic request through VIS, by selecting 'Requests' in the left-hand-side menu, then click on Request for enrolment

– Extended year and fill out the form. A SIGNED statement that the path of study was not changed, nor that the student previously failed a year of study at any Slovene higher education institutions should be attached. By signing this statement, the student assumes penal and material responsibility and allows AMEU, in its official capacity, to verify the accuracy of the statement and gain information from official records. The statement should be printed alongside the request, directly from VIS.

A completed request should be printed, signed and sent alongside the required documentation to Alma Mater, Slovenska ulica 17, 2000 Maribor. A submitted request may be edited until it is received by the Student Office.

The costs of the extending student status (extended year)

The tuition for the absolvent stage equals 1/3 of yearly tuition fee, as well as an enrolment fee in the amount of 50,00 EUR. The first instalment of the tuition for the extension of student status, as well as the enrolment fee should be settled by the time of enrolment.

Methods of enrolment to the extended year

Once the Student office receives the request for extension of study (absolvent), we will prepare an enrolment sheet within 5 business days. The contract and the enrolment form are both signed electronically in VIS and do not have to be sent via registered post. The confirmation of payment of enrolment and tuition fee (or the first instalment), along with any other relevant documents (e.g. payer’s statement, application for recognition, etc.) should be sent to Once all documents are submitted, the Student office will (successfully) conclude the enrolment. The student will receive the notice about successful enrolment to personal email address. At the same time, fully signed study contract will be displayed, and the Enrolment Certificate will be available for print directly from VIS.
We kindly ask you to confirm that you have settled all your financial obligations for the previous year before enrolment.