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About smart silver villages at the conference CIRRE 2022 in Ankara

At the "CIRRE 2022" conference in Ankara at the end of last week, David Bogataj presented the results of the project Hierarchical design and financing of the social infrastructure of smart silver villages.

In Ankara, under the auspices of Ankara University and NTNU - the Norwegian University of Science, the 7th Conference of Interdisciplinary Research in Real Estate CIRRE 2022 was held. Of thematic sets related to issues of real estate management", announced Bogataj, who, on behalf of the project partners Alma Mater Europaea and the INRISK Institute, presented the results of the project Hierarchical design and financing of smart social infrastructure in lectures entitled Social Value of Age-Friendly Housing in Lifetime Neighborhoods and The smart silver villages through the lenses of Slovenian rural inhabitants silver villages.

David Bogataj emphasized that by encouraging the planning and construction of social infrastructure for senior citizens and optimal organization of care adapted to this, social and health services can significantly increase the savings of the health fund and municipal budgets. Mainly due to the reduction in length of hospital stay, prevention of falls, removal of loneliness, and exclusion are also essential for the quality of life of the elderly. The topic impressed the management of Ankara University, who invited Professor Bogataj to give lectures on this issue in February of the following year.

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