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Environmental Studies

The Alma Mater Europaea - ECM Environmental Studies master’s program is a modern graduate study program for environmental protection, including cases of good practice and cross-border cooperation.

The Alma Mater Europaea - ECM master's program in Environmental Studies is designed to enhance and extend students’ existing knowledge from the undergraduate Environmental Studies program and upgrade it to include ecosystem technologies, water and inland ecosystems, economic issues related to ecology, environmental governance and sustainable development.

Academic excellence. Innovative programs. Real-world connections. First-class educational experience. Impact your career. Study in the heart of Europe.



  Course ECTS
Total per year 60
Total per study program 120
1. semester
1 Ecosystem tehnologies 10
2 Ecoremediation of aquatic ecosystems 10
3 Ecoremediation of terrestrial ecosystems 10
Total 30
2. semester
4 Environmental protection legislation 10
5 Environmental protection economics 10
6 Elective course I. 5
7 Elective course II. 5
Total 30


  Course ECTS
Total per year 60
Total per study program 120
3. semester
8 MODUL 1 – Ecoremediation in rural environments  
8.1 Rural environments 10
8.2 Ecoremediaton in rural environments 10
8.3 Elective course III.* 5
8.4 Elective course IV.* 5
9 MODUL 2 – Ecoremediation in urban environments  
9.1 Urban environments 10
9.2 Ekoremediacije in urban environments 10
9.3 Elective course III.* 5
9.4 Elective course IV.* 5
Total 30
4. semester
10 Sustainable development in Slovenia and Europe 10
11 Master thesis 20
Total 30

Elective courses

  Course ECTS
1 E-databases for the environment  5
2 ERM in agriculture 5
3 ERM for drinking water 5
4 ERM for protected areas 5
5 ERM for coastal areas 5
6 ERM for degraded lands 5
7 Education in the field of  ERM 5
8 Public participation and meeting environmental goals 5
9 Environmental management 10
10 Research methods 5
11 Environmental project management 5



A defining element of the Alma Mater Europaea - ECM Environmental Studies master’s program is active engagement with real-world environmental problems.

The ecoremediation concept relates to the application of sustainable systems and processes for environmental rehabilitation and protection.

We seek to motivate and prepare our students to rise to the challenges and exploit the opportunities that arise from human interaction with the environment. The Alma Mater Europaea - ECM core mission is to train our students to understand and address these environmental issues.

All Alma Mater Europaea - ECM are filmed and e-learning supported. You can watch them in live stream and re-run them at home as many times as you like.

Grants & Partnerships


Environmental Studies is an interdisciplinary department that offers students the opportunity to develop a holistic understanding of environmental issues. The Alma Mater Europaea - ECM Environmental Studies master’s program prepares graduates for leading positions in the environment management field.

  • Urban Parks Manager
  • Environmental Impact Assesser
  • Industrial River Contamination Remediation
  • Green Developer
  • Environmental Planner
  • Restoration Ecologist
  • Environmental Specialists
  • Project Development Coordinator
  • Sustainability Analyst
  • Sustainability Technician
  • Environmental Associate
  • Environmental Expert
  • Environmental Remediation Expert
  • Environmental Remediation Manager
  • Environmental Coordinator
  • Project Estimator – Remediation and Construction
  • Environmental Compliance Specialist
  • DURATION: 4 semesters / 2 years
  • TITLE: Master of Environmental Sciences
  • LOCATIONS: Slovenia
  • START DATE: Sustainable Development

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