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Health Sciences - Master in Ayurveda

The new Master’s programme in Ayurveda starts in October 2024. It is a two-year accredited study with 120 ECTS. The enrolment criteria are a bachelor’s/undergraduate degree in a health study programme and English language proficiency. For those, who do not meet the enrolment criteria, academic system difference will be solved by offering foundation courses, which align student to the education system. There is also a possibility to study Ayurveda in the Postgraduate Certificate course in Ayurveda ( The study will be offered in a hybrid format (online and on-site).

  Course ECTS
Total per study program 120
Semester 1: General obligatory subjects
1 Course 1: Research, research methods and statistics 10
2 Course 2: Public health 5
3 Course 3: Quality and safety in health care 5
4 Course 4: Preventive methods in health care 10
Total 30
Semester 2: Optional Integrative Health module subject
Course 5: Basic Ayurvedic Principles of Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment 1
Course 6: Basic Ayurvedic Principles of Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment 2
Course 7: Ayurvedic Protocols for the Treatment of Common Disorders 1
Course 8: Phytotherapy in Ayurveda 1
Course 9: Ayurvedic Aromatherapy and Skin Disorder
Course 10: The Management of Tissues and Channels in Ayurveda
Total 30
Semester 3: Obligatory and optional courses
Course 11: Ayurvedic Protocols for the Treatment of Common Disorders 2 – Aroma therapy etc.
Course 12: Ayurvedic Protocols for the Treatment of Common Disorders 3 – Marma etc.
Course 13: Writing scientific works and qualitative research methods in healt
14 Course 14: Phytotherapy in Ayurveda 2 5
Total 3
Semester 4: Master thesis
15 Master thesis 25
Total 25

Fee: 6.900,- €/year



  Course ECTS
Total per study program 120
Semester 1: General obligatory subjects
1 Course 1: Research, research methods and statistics 10
2 Course 2: Public health 5
3 Course 3: Quality and safety in health care 5
4 Course 4: Preventive methods in health care 10
Total 30
Semester 2: Optional Integrative Health module subject
Course 5: Basic Ayurvedic Principles of Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment 1
Course 6: Basic Ayurvedic Principles of Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment 2
Course 7: Ayurvedic Protocols for the Treatment of Common Disorders 1
Course 8: Phytotherapy in Ayurveda 1
Course 9: Ayurvedic Aromatherapy and Skin Disorder
Course 10: The Management of Tissues and Channels in Ayurveda
Total 30
Semester 3: Obligatory and optional courses
Course 11: Ayurvedic Protocols for the Treatment of Common Disorders 2 – Aroma therapy etc.
Course 12: Ayurvedic Protocols for the Treatment of Common Disorders 3 – Marma etc.
Course 13: Writing scientific works and qualitative research methods in healt
14 Course 14: Phytotherapy in Ayurveda 2 5
Total 3
Semester 4: Master thesis
15 Master thesis 25
Total 25



The program will be taught by qualified western medical doctors and Indian Vaidyas with extensive knowledge, qualifications and experience in teaching Maharishi Ayurveda to health professionals.

Dr. Gordana Marković, PhD, the Principal Professor Leading the Program

Dr. Gordana Markovic is a Western medical doctor with 20 years of medical practice and a Social Medicine and Public Health specialist. She has a master’s degree in Emergency surgery and a Ph.D. in Social Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade. She is a member of the State Expert Committee on Complementary Medicine, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia.

Dr. Marković has studied Ayurvedic medicine in India, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, and Belgrade. She is the most experienced practitioner of Maharishi AyurVeda in Southeastern Europe. She has extensive experience in teaching Ayurveda not only at Alma Mater University in Slovenia but also in numerous European countries and has published over 50 articles on Maharishi AyurVeda and Aromatherapy.

“After many years of practicing Western medicine I can say that I became a much better doctor when I learned Maharishi AyurVeda and pulse diagnosis. Ayurveda can be used as a separate system, but it is easily integrated as a great support to conventional Western medicine. By integrating the best of these two medical systems, we can significantly improve the health of our patients in the best way possible and reach more patients in need of medical help, who otherwise wouldn’t have been able to afford it.”

Dr Wolfgang Schachinger

Dr Wolfgang Schachinger from Austria will also be contributing as a guest lecturer. A general practitioner of western medicine since 1983, Dr Schachinger became an expert in Maharishi AyurVeda and founded the Maharishi Ayurveda Health and Seminar Centre in Ried in 1993. He has lectured extensively, co-authored five books on Ayurveda, and founded three Ayurveda medical associations. Dr Schachinger has received multiple awards for his pioneering work with Ayurveda in Europe.

Guest contributions are expected from other experienced Maharishi AyurVeda Vaidyas and western medical doctors from India, America and Europe.

Prof. dr Tatjana Kundaković-Vasović

Prof. dr. Tatjana Kundaković-Vasović received her doctorate in the field of pharmaceutical sciences and pharmacognosy. She teaches pharmacognosy and phytotherapy and has been engaged in research and application of medicinal plants for many years. She is a specialist in the control and application of medicinal plants. Her research includes phytochemical analysis and biological evaluation of plants, fungi and marine organisms, the exploitation of bioactive natural products as pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals and cosmetics, and the quality control of medicinal plants and herbal medicinal products. She has published over 100 scientific and professional publications. She received her postgraduate certificate in Maharishi Ayurveda in Belgrade.


Upon completion of the program, participants will be able to:

  1. Integrate fundamental principles and practical procedures of Maharishi AyurVeda into their healthcare practice; to promote wellness, and prevent, as well as treat, disease.

  2. Discuss peer-reviewed published research on Maharishi AyurVeda, including the Transcendental Meditation® technique, and Ayurveda.

  3. Evaluate a patient’s constitutional type (Prakriti) and underlying patterns of imbalance (Vikriti) through Ayurvedic principles of diagnosis.

  4. Apply the fundamentals of Maharishi AyurVeda Pulse Diagnosis (Nadi Vigyan) in clinical practice.

  5. Utilize Ayurvedic principles to optimize digestive health and nutrition.

  6. Restore biological rhythms through daily and seasonal behavioural regimens.

  7. Promote longevity through anti-aging modalities.

  8. Instruct patients in personalized self-care programs, including individualized dietary, behavioural, exercise, and detoxification regimens, and methods of stress management

  9. Prescribe Ayurvedic herbal food supplements to enliven the self-repair and healing mechanisms of the body.

  10. Implement multi-modality clinical protocols to address a wide range of common chronic conditions encountered in medical practice.

  11. Practice Aroma Therapy.

  12. Gain a profound scientific understanding of the relationship between consciousness and health.

  13. Increase their own resilience, overall wellbeing, and job satisfaction, reducing symptoms of fatigue and burnout, through personalized self-care programs, including the practice of Transcendental Meditation®.

Grants & Partnerships


The AMEU Postgraduate Certificate in Ayurveda certifies the successful completion of the course.

This program provides a unique educational opportunity for eligible health professionals who wish to expand the scope and effectiveness of their health care practice, enabling them to begin a new career or to supplement their existing career with the profound, time tested natural wisdom of Ayurveda.

Maharishi AyurVeda is the comprehensive and modern formulation of the world’s oldest system of natural health care: prevention-oriented, free from harmful side-effects, and consciousness based . Course participants will learn to apply the profound principles and practical skills of Maharishi AyurVeda in their clinical practice, for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of common diseases, and the cultivation of optimum well-being.
They will also learn personalized self-care programs (including Transcendental Meditation) to increase learning ability, job satisfaction, and general well-being in their own personal lives.


  • DURATION: Two years
  • TITLE: Master in Health Sciences - Module Ayurveda
  • LOCATIONS: Blended learning on-line and on-campus in Slovenia.
  • START DATE: October 2024

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