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Master’s degree program in Humanities at Alma Mater Europaea - Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis provides students with an interdisciplinary and individualized approach to the selected field of science, and ensures a broad and in-depth knowledge of various academic disciplines within Humanities.

Vitally important in terms of support are our faculty and mentors from the ranks of Slovenian academic elite as well as the best specialized library for Humanities in Slovenia.
The Alma Mater Europaea - Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis Master’s in Humanities trains intellectuals in a well-grounded critical perspectivisation of societal processes and phenomena. In addition to communication skills and capacity for self-reflection, students of this program acquire excellent education in Humanities, enabling them to recognize, interpret and manage knowledge systems as well as cultural, political and other social practices. This study program is based on world-class theory and genuinely curiosity-driven research, with research issues mostly addressing current human/societal needs. Studying as an intellectual challenge and pleasure!

Academic excellence. Innovative programs. Real-world connections. First-class educational experience. Impact your career. Study in the heart of Europe.


1st YEAR

  Course ECTS
Total for 1st Year 60
1st semester
1 Epistemology 10
2 Social Communication and Media 10
3 Elective Course 1 5
4 Elective Course 2 5
2nd semester
5 Historical Anthropology and Regional Studies 10
6 Anthropology of Gender and Culture 10
7 Elective Course 3 5
8 Elective Course 4 5

2nd YEAR

  Course ECTS
Total for 2nd Year 60
Total 120
3rd semester
9 Elective Course 5 5
10 Elective Course 6 5
11 Elective Course 7 5
12 Elective Course 8 5
13 Elective Course 9 5
14 Elective Course 10 5
4th semester
15 Preparation of Master's Thesis 30


  Course ECTS
1 Rituals from the tribal communities to the state- a historical - anthropological - legal studies 5
2 Philosophy of Nature: Art, science, technology and aesthetics 5
3 Feudal Europe 5
4 Semiotics of Everyday Life 5
5 Contemporary Theories in Art 5
6 Philosophy of Human Rights 5
7 Selected Topics in Philosophy and Sociology of Sport 5
8 Space, body and new media in art and aesthetics 5
9 Religion and society 5
10 Media studies 5
11 Art and Life: Philosophical Theories and Artistic practices 5
12 New Media in Everyday Life 5
13 Histroy of Feminism 5
14 Philosophical Hermeneutics 2: Structuralism and poststructuralism 10
15 Hermeneutics of Religious Discourses 10
16 Interpretation in Law and Political Thought 10
17 Criticism and art  10
18 German idealism of the 18th and 19th centuries: the birth of contemporary philosophy  10
19 Meaning and Sense in European Metaphysics  10
20 Philosophical hermeneutics I: romantics and phenomenology 10



Alma Mater Europaea - ECM provides an intellectually enriching, professionally enriching and supportive environment for postgraduate students. By focusing on specialized research of your own design, you will have a much greater degree of freedom to extend your own creativity and imagination. You will also be responsible for exercising your own independent judgment and critical thinking, and expressing your ideas with a distinctive scholarly voice.

All our lectures are filmed and e-learning supported. You can watch them in live stream and re-run them at home as many times as you like.

Grants & Partnerships


Graduates of the Alma Mater Europaea master in Humanities program are trained to communicate clearly, think critically and make reasoned choices - skills that will be in demand in just about any profession. Graduates will gain the skills they need to pursue careers in research, governmental and non-governmental organizations, communications and media.


  • DURATION: 4 semesters / 2 years
  • TITLE: Master of Humanities
  • LOCATIONS: Slovenia, e-learning
  • START DATE: October

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