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Strategic Communication Management

Doctoral study programme Strategic Communication Management is an interdisciplinary study, focused on new strategic managerial values (personal, intercultural, economic, political, cultural, artistic, religious, health-related, scientific, global, regional, national and local) and new specific subjects. The programme offers theoretical and methodological approaches to communication, as well as interdisciplinary communication skills, competences and knowledge from the area of strategic management (management of and handling information and communication channels at all levels of the managerial process).


1st Semester
No. Subject Professor ECTS
1 Communication management  assist. prof. dr.  Daria Mustić and visiting professors 12
2 Quantitative and qualitative research methods in communication management assist. prof. dr. Tomaž Kramberger, assist. prof. dr.  Mira Hercigonja – Szekeres, prof. dr. Mario Plenković and visiting professors 12
3 Methodology – writing scientific papers assoc. prof. dr. Jurij Toplak, assist. prof. dr.  Mira Hercigonja – Szekeres and visiting professors 6
Total 30
2nd Semester
No. Subject Professor ECTS
4 Communicology (Humanities and social approaches in human communication) assist. prof. dr.  Daria Mustić and visiting professors 8
5 Information, communication and multi-media technologies assist. prof. dr.  Vitomir Grbavac, prof. dr. Brano Markič and visiting professors 8
6.1 Individual research and project work in the area of strategic communication management – Case study I Coordinator, Study dean and visiting professors 8
6.2 - 6.4 Elective subject (seminar) Visiting professors 6
Total 30


Elective Subjects – Seminars: 2nd Semester
No. Subject Professor ECTS
6.2 Internet and social networks in communication management assist. prof. dr. Vitomir Grbavac and visiting professors 6
6.3 Politics and communication management (political communication) assist. prof. dr. Božidar Veljković and visiting professors 6
6.4 Persuasive communicology assist. prof. dr. Ljubica Bakić – Tomić in gostujoči profesorji 6


3rd Semester
No. Subject Professor ECTS
7 Leadership and project management prof. dr. Mladen Radujković 10
8 Media communication and public relations assoc. prof. dr. Zdravko Šorđan, assist. prof. dr.  Daria Mustić and visiting professors 10
9 Individual research and project work in the area of communication management – Case study II  All professors from the study programme and visiting professors 10
Total 30
4th Semester
No. Subject Professor ECTS
10 Corporative and crisis communication management  prof. dr. Ksenija Čulo and visiting professors 8
11 Public and stakeholders assist. prof. dr.  Daria Mustić and visiting professors 8
12.1-12-6 Elective seminar I Visiting professors 8
Elective seminar II
Visiting professors 6
Total 30


Elective Subjects – Seminars: 4th Semester
No. Subject Professor ECTS
12.1 International relations  assoc. prof. dr. Cirila Toplak and visiting professors 6
12.2 Management and HR development assist. prof. dr. Vidoje Vujić and visiting professors 6
12.3 Innovative corporate communication assist. prof. dr.  Ljubica Bakić – Tomić and visiting professors 6
12.4 Information and communication technologies in communication management prof. dr. Brano Markić and visiting professors 6
12.5 Communication law, consultancy, lobbying and ethics of communication management  prof. dr. Šime Ivanjko, prof. dr. Ludvik Toplak and visiting professors 6
12.6 Communication marketing and advertising  prof. dr. Ksenija Čulo and visiting professors 6


5th semester
No. Subject Professor ECTS
13 Methodology of preparing doctoral thesis Mentors and visiting professors  16


Communication industry assist. prof. dr.  Suzana Žilič Fišer and visiting professors 6
15.1-15.2 Elective seminar Visiting professors 8
Total 30


Elective Subjects – Seminars: 5th Semester
No. Subject Professor ECTS
15.1 Management and Leadership prof. ddr. Marija Ovsenik and visiting professors 8
15.2 Graphic design of media campaigns assist. prof. dr.  Daria Mustić and visiting professors 8
6th semester
No. Subject Professor ECTS
13 PhD thesis preparation Mentors and visiting professors  24


Case study on a field of Communication Management Mentors, Head of department and visiting professors  6
Total 30



Grants & Partnerships


A list of possible employment opportunities and areas for candidates with a PhD in Strategic Communication Management:

  • Public relations

  • Leading media, economic and political campaigns

  • Managing crisis communication

  • Corporate communication

  • Press office – corporations and political groups

  • Media relations

  • Communicology research

  • Political marketing

  • Communiology specialists for work in institutes and higher education institutions (researchers)

  • PR agencies - management

  • Strategic and communication counselling

  • Communication analysis of the competition (benchmarking and SWOT analysis)

  • Strategic communication in tourism, etc.

  • DURATION: 6 semesters / 3 years
  • TITLE: doctor of science in communication management
  • LOCATIONS: Slovenia
  • START DATE: October

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