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Why choose Alma Mater?

Academic excellence. Innovative programs. Real-world connections. First-class educational experience. Impact your career. Study in the heart of Europe.

Alma Mater Europaea study programs are designed and created to meet the highest standards in education and to produce employable graduates with a leadership vision. 

We operate under the patronage of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts and cooperate closely with institutions and individual experts from Middle Europe, the Danube region and the Balkans. 

The Alma Mater Europaea scientific foundation is based on the knowledge of 29 Nobel prizewinners. We affiliate over 250 professors from 40 institutions from Europe, and set new standards in the quality of study programs.

Evoke the leader in you and guarantee yourself a leading role in your career. Assure yourself the knowledge you deserve. Choose a dynamic, flexible and acknowledged study program tailored to your requirements and needs.