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Web and Information Technologies

The new study program of the first Bologna cycle – Web and Information technologies has been designed by professors from the industry and entrepreneurship as well as top international experts and researchers. AMEU-ECM is an internationally oriented higher education institution, that has the highest level of employability of graduates in Slovenia. We have therefore invited all Slovenian ICT companies, as well as foreign universities, such as the University of Technology in Cracow (Poland) and Freie Universität Berlin to participate in the study program Online and Information Technology.

The programme Web and Information Technologies is highly transdisciplinary with a strong practical and applied orientation and because of the focus on the web, it is well connected with the economy in the region. On the one hand, entrepreneurship and innovation are emphasized, and on the other, the programme also covers the topics of human and ethical approach of using and developing technologies, thus fulfilling the mission of Alma Mater Europaea – to act as an educational institution under the auspices of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts

At AMEU-ECM, the educational approach emphasises a personal contact between professors and students that enables direct communication and easy transfer of knowledge. The study process takes place with the support of modern technical equipment, and students are offered all possibilities of trans-disciplinary and interdisciplinary cooperation, as well as a great number of opportunities for extra-curricular activities in the fields of art, humanities, culture and sports. The study is a fulfilment of all professional and personal ambitions of a student.


The extremely successful development of the web has very complex consequences for the society and the economy. The structure and the dynamics of online communities (e.g. social networks), the use and development of knowledge platforms (e.g. Wikipedia), or new social and political awareness, provide us with new possibilities to organize our private, professional and public life and thus create new needs and services.

By studying Web and Information Technologies, the student will acquire professional knowledge and experience for understanding and analyzing the web, for developing solutions and web design. The student will recognize its history, its interdisciplinary foundations, methods and tools that are necessary for further development of web solutions and the web as a modern environment that develops business and society.

Based on the above, this 1st Bologna Cycle study programme in Web and Information Technologies focuses on the Web with the basics of information technologies and the enrichment of skills from the economy and society with a strong emphasis on entrepreneurship. Candidates for enrolment must have a completed secondary school. This undergraduate study program is available for both, Slovene and foreign students. All courses are taught in Slovene and English.


This undergraduate study program in Web and Information Technologies is the first such program, offered by Slovenian universities, since it focuses on the web as the central entity to acquire the basic knowledge about the structure of the web and technologies needed to develop web and mobile solutions with the support of information technologies and its evolution. In contrast to classical computer and information science study programs, this program focuses on the web and the integration of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches to online technologies in order to understand users, their behaviour and interactions. In this sense, understanding and use of online technologies requires knowledge from different disciplines such as programming, mathematics, psychology, social sciences, law and economics. These fields are all included in the syllabus and are available as elective courses of the study program.

In addition to lectures, tutorials and seminars, the syllabus also includes the practical aspect of applying the methods and techniques discussed in lectures in a real environment with the participation of the industry and enterprises in the region; an element that is highly integrated into the study program.


  Course ECTS
1 Introduction to information sciences (OIZ) 8
2 Social networks and Content Management Systems (SMSUV) 6
3 Introduction to programming (UVP) 8
4 Arhitektura spleta in načrtovanje spletnih strani (ASN2S) 8
5 Data and Web Analytics (PSA) 8
6 Basics of Entrepreneurship and Creative approach (OPKP) 6
7 Elective I 6
8 Project 1 (P1) 10


  Course ECTS
9 Information systems (IS) 6
10 Introduction to collections of data and databases (UPZPB) 8
11 Web programming (back-end, front-end) (SP) 8
12 Development and planning of online solutions for SMEs (RNSMEs) 8
13 Introduction to Cryptography and Data Security (UKVP) 8
14 Business Economics and Business Models (ESPM) 6
15 Elective II (IP2) 6
16 Project (P2) 10


  Course ECTS
17 User Experience (UI) 8
18 Integration of Web Solutions and Web Services (ISR2S) 8
19 Web Marketing (SM) 6
20 Cloud Computing and Mobile Solutions (ROMR) 8
21 Elective III 6
22 Elective IV 6
23 Diploma thesis (DP) 18


  Course ECTS
1 Digital Photography, Expression of Photographic Images 6
2 Visual Language, Visual Culture and Communication 6
3 Shared Economy and Crypto Currencies 6
4 Investing and Trading with Cryptocurrencies 6
5 Open Code 6
6 Intelligent Systems 6
7 The Basics of Internet Policies  6
8 Networks and Distribution systems 6
9 Information Security 6
10 Mobile Technologies 6



Grants & Partnerships


Graduates of the Bachelor study programme in Web and Information Technologies will be intensively prepared for tasks in the field of the World Wide Web. Besides technical aspects of the Web, the interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary programme teaches students to understand the psychological, social, economic and political relations of the Web with special emphasis on entrepreneurship. Graduates may pursue their careers in the following sectors a) customer-oriented SMEs and companies that are present on the Web (as nearly every larger company, addressing private customers, offers online platforms to sell their products or services - digital marketing), b)  entrepreneurs and developers of services and products for the Web (creating their own company and developing creative business), c) public administration and agencies that run platforms in order to inform citizens or communicate with them, d)  IT sector such as search engine providers, consulting firms, social network providers and software developing firms need experts for the Web, e) continuing in the academia as this Bachelor degree in Web and Information Technologies qualifies graduates for starting a Master in Web Sciences, which will be available at AMEU-ECM within a cooperation with German Universities. The following professions are among employment options: Designer and developer of Web solutions, Data Scientist, IT Consultant, Entrepreneur (AMEU provides support infrastructure for Entrepreneurs), continuing with a career in academia.

  • DURATION: 6 semesters / 3 years
  • TITLE: Bachelor of Web and Information Technologies
  • LOCATIONS: Slovenia
  • START DATE: October

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