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Social Gerontology

Alma Mater Europaea - ECM offers an innovative doctoral program for preparing students to address issues facing an aging population.

The emphasis of the graduate program in Social Gerontology is on helping students understand the process of aging from an intergenerational symbiosis perspective. The program positions graduates to pursue their passion for policy and research while studying the mechanics and mysteries of longevity, aging and population health. The social gerontology program prepares graduates to become leaders who effect policy changes at the local and national levels alike. It also prepares graduates for careers in gerontology research.

Academic excellence. Innovative programs. Real-world connections. First-class educational experience. Impact your career. Study in the heart of Europe.



  Course ECTS
Total 1. year 60
Total per study program 180
Mandatory courses
1 Social Gerontology 10
2 Qualitative methodology 10
3 Social construction of aging 10
4 Guidance of diversity and competency research modelling 10
5 Impact of modifications on organization in Social Gerontology 10
6 Doctoral seminar: Preparation of doctoral thesis application 10


  Course ECTS
Total 2. year 60
Total per study program 180
Mandatory courses
7 Gerontological and anthropological anlyses interpretations 10
8 Elderly person, family and social network 10
9 Gerontological questions development strategies 10
Elective courses (student chooses 3)
1 Demographic and gerontological perspectives 10
2 Sociology of aging 10
3 Gerontological processes and gender 10
4 Philosophy and ethics in old age 10
5 Old age quality of life 10
6 Social management 10
7 Creative types of team work 10
8 Medical aspects of aging 10
9 Medicalization of aging 10
10 Economic aspects of elderly care 10
11 Nonprofit sector management 10
12 Social Gerontology crisis management 10
13 Urban and architectural integration of the elderly 10
14 Volunteering for intergenerational symbiosis 10
15 Types of palliative assistance 10
16 Scientific writing 10
17 Leisure time organization 10


  Course ECTS
Total 3. year 60
Total per study program 180
10 Preparation and production of doctoral thesis seminar 15
11 Preparation and production of doctoral thesis 45 45



Alma Mater Europaea is committed to providing students with a broad theoretical understanding of lifespan development. Ph.D. students will take a wide variety of courses, work closely with a faculty mentor, and have the opportunity to focus on a specific area of interest.

All our lectures are filmed and e-learning supported. You can watch them in live stream and re-run them at home as many times as you like.

Grants & Partnerships


Ph.D. graduates will enter the workforce armed with the highest-level training available in gerontology and will be prepared to enter careers in research, education, or service, with opportunities available in:

  • Leadership positions in the planning, administration and evaluation of programs in the private and public sectors
  • Executive positions in the delivery of direct services to older adults and their families
  • Policy and advocacy work
  • Scientific research and study


  • DURATION: 6 semesters / 3 years
  • TITLE: Doctor of Philosophy in Social Gerontology
  • LOCATIONS: Austria, Slovenia
  • START DATE: October

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