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Alma Mater Europaea hosted final partnership meeting of RENE consortium members

Final partnership meeting of RENE (Renewing Ergonomic Education for Health Care Students in European Higher Education Institutions) consortium members took place in Maribor on June 2. Alma Mater Europaea hosted Marion Karpi, the leader of RENE project and all other members of RENE team from higher education institutions from Finland, Spain, Portugal, Lithuania, Estonia and Slovenia.

Secretary General, Barbara Toplak Perovič, Ph.D., Assist. Prof., was pleased to welcome the guests in Maribor. “I know that according to the published data and statistics the healthcare staff have a very high risk of musculoskeletal disorders, also because of poor manual patient handling practices. The main aim of RENE-project is set to improve and unify the patient handling education in health care sector.

We are very proud that we will be able to offer a RENE course regarding patient handling in safe and rehabilitating way for our future health care students (physiotherapy, nursing). “

The European project consortium, altogether with seven higher education institutions have the most important strategic goal at increasing patient handling skills in safe and rehabilitating way of HEI (Higher Education Institutions) staff and health care students in all participating countries. RENE team has developed and standardized an international course on patient handling and altogether we will promote internationalization of health care students in all participating countries.

Alma Mater physio team has already organised multiplier event in march at our international conference physiotherapy panel for presenting results of RENE project in March 2022. We are also convinced that this strategic partnership will be fruitful for further strategic partnerships and mutual European cooperation.

We are sure that the project will strengthen the skills and knowledge of the students and staff in the field of ergonomics and increase the skills in patient handling.

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