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Alma Mater Europaea promotes new PhDs

The Doctoral Promotion Ceremony is a momentous day, and a celebration of science for the entire academic community of Alma Mater.

This year's PhDs devoted themselves to researching humanities topics  (in the humanities program), and issues facing an aging population  (in the social gerontology program).

In his opening address, Dr. Ludvik Toplak, president of Alma Mater Europaea, said: "With an interdisciplinary approach to solving the challenges of modern society, you significantly contribute to discovering the secrets of this world, and the greatest secret, man himself. Only with a holistic approach will the world overcome the daily difficulties and fears with which it is burdened. You contribute to the fostering of new hope and new expectations. I thank you for the trust you have shown, and your loved ones who supported you in your academic work."


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