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Alma Mater is the coordinator for active and healthy aging in Eastern Slovenia

Alma Mater Europaea – ECM was successful in the 4th European tender of the partnership of reference sites for active and healthy aging "AHA Reference Site" and thus became the coordinator for the region of Eastern Slovenia.

"Alma Mater's acceptance into the partnership of the European Reference Cities of Active and Healthy Aging demonstrates a comprehensive strategy for promoting innovation in healthcare and care. At the same time, it also represents a collective understanding and treatment of lifelong approaches to active and healthy aging at our institution," emphasized David Bogataj, head of the doctoral study of social gerontology. He continued that professors, students, and other stakeholders have the opportunity to exchange knowledge, learning, and good practices in the active and healthy aging field and to participate in further European projects with 65 regions of reference cities across Europe. That can bring benefits that have a multiplier effect at the national and European levels for sustainable development.