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Undergraduate: Dance, Choreography

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Andreja Kopač, PhD, is a publicist, writer, editor, moderator and dramaturge in the field of contemporary dance and theatre. In addition to holding an M.A. in the Linguistics of Speech and Theory of Social Communication at the ISH, Ljubljana Graduate School of the Humanities, in 2016 she completed her PhD in Sociology of Culture at the Faculty of Art at the University of Ljubljana under the mentorship of Rastko Močnik, PhD. As a publicist she works with Maska, Mentor and Rast magazines. She has worked in several fields, such as: coordinator of the Seminar of Contemporary Performing Arts and organised the project Platform of Interdisciplinary Dramaturgy (at the Maska Institute in collaboration with Bojana Kunst, PhD), in the field of Public Relations, as a performer (Betontanc, Screetch Orchestra, Was is Maribor Collective?), as a moderator, mentor, organiser and researcher.  She has recently been engaged as a dramaturg and publicist; between 2009 and 2017 she had participated in more than 70 productions and since 2009 has been collaborating in a number of local and international projects with authors such as: Sebastijan Horvat, Matjaž Pograjc, Matjaž Berger, Matjaž Farič, Iztok Kovač, Branko Potočan, Mare Bulc, Magdalena Reiter, Sinja Ožbolt, Neven Korda, Seth Baumrin, Rosana Hribar & Gregor Luštek, Beton Ltd, Gyula Cserepes, Jelena Rusjan, Maša Kagao Knez, Kevin Trappenires, Lada Petrovski Ternovšek, Milan Tomašik, Dagmar Dachauer, Nick Upper and others. Since January 2013 she is a guest teacher on SEAD (Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance) and s

he works as a guest teacher at the High school in Ljubljana (drama & theatre and dance department). In 2013 she received the award for special achievements in Slovenian contemporary dance – the Meta Vidmar Award. In 2016 she received a special award for her pedagogical work and mentoring of young dancers and choreographers – the Ksenija Hribar Award. Since 2017 she is the chief editor of Maska, the journal of contemporary performing arts.