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Become a Master of Archives and Records Management

Alma Mater Europaea – European Center Maribor, Slovenia has a recognized 2nd Bologna degree in Archives and Records Management(Master). It has received official accreditation from the Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education.

Archivists working with public and official records, must respect guidelines and regulations present in different archival laws, as well as codes of practice and other national regulations – this results in special requirements when it comes to the proper handling and safekeeping of archival and documentary material. Nowadays, more and more documents are created in electronic form, which calls for special knowledge.

The 2-year study programme in Archives and Records Management (Master), is therefore intended for all who are aware that taking care of archives and documentary material requires a special educational background. The study programme is supported with state-of-the-art information technology, and is carried out as a blended program, via live lectures, video-conference teaching and e-learning.

Our tenured professors are highly qualified and renowned experts, who use past experience and student performance throughout the teaching and evaluation processes.

The programme is carried out part-time, which gives students the chance to handle their studies without losing valuable time with family, or spending too much money and time on travelling to campus.

You are kindly invited to enrol into the study programme in Archives and Records Management (HERE). You can also call 00386 41/ 673-785 or write to:

We look forward to working with you.

assist. prof. dr. Peter Pavel Klasinc, archival councillor
Dean of Archives and Records Management at Alma Mater Europaea – ECM
Director of the International Institute for Archival Science, Trieste/Italy – Maribor/Slovenia (since 1985)