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Faculty Directory by Study Program


Undergraduate: Archives Management
Graduate: Archives and Records Management
Doctorate: Archival Sciences

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Doc.dr. Dieter Schlenker is the Director of the Historical Archives of the European Union since January 2013. He is also Co-director of the Alcide De Gasperi Research Centre on the History of European Integration at the European University Institute. Previously he worked for UNESCO, first at the Paris Headquarters as Records Management Specialist, then as Head of the Information and Knowledge Management Unit in the Regional Office for Asia and Pacific in Bangkok, Thailand. He is Associate Professor at the Alma Mater Europea (AMEU-ECM) and holds lectures in archival science and European integration history at the Archives School of the Florence State Archives and the European College of Parma, Italy. He is Board Member of the European Union Liaison Committee of Historians and of the European Association for Banking and Financial History. He holds an Archivist Diploma from the Archival School of the Vatican Secret Archive and a PhD in Modern History from the University of Heidelberg, Germany.