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Undergraduate: Dance, Choreography

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Igor Sviderski (1967) is a teacher, dancer and a choreographer. His work includes more than ninety dance-theatre and experimental shows of home and foreign creators. He graduated at the Ballet Academy in Stockholm and Dance Academy in Ljubljana. He is currently finishing his Master’s studies at the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television in Ljubljana, the Art of Movement programme. He is the recipient of the ‘Dance Web’ scholarship, Zlata ptica and Meta Vidmar plaque awards for achievements and contribution to development and establishment of Slovene dance culture. He has been complementing his mentoring with a role as a consultant for movement in school and professional dance-theatre shows and co-creates the educational and artistic modern dance programme with different dance centres home and abroad.


Class is a fusion of modern dance techniques within a modern dance expression. It consists of technical and creative work. I firstly build responsiveness of strong, flexible and dancing body in space; therefore the attention is focused on the awareness of functions of the centre and pelvis in horizontal position. Afterwards, I set exercises in vertical position of the body according to the curve principle and relaxation of the upper body. The creative part is based on researching dancer’s own movement and spatial structure.