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It's About People 2023: The Book of Abstracts

Alma Mater Europaea and the European Academy of Sciences and Arts in Salzburg dedicated the 11th International Scientific Conference "It's About People " 2023 to the current challenges of social and technological development in order to serve security and dignity.

The present conference proceedings contain summaries of most of the 300 speakers who gave presentations in 81 panels. Prominent international scientists and experts in the fields of science and art presented their research results and discussed relevant challenges with our professors and students, all with the aim of finding ways to overcome them. Discussed were many questions from practice, theory in the field of education and mental health, and special questions in the field of physiotherapy, neuroscience, social gerontology, medicine, and health.

The section on legal issues was rich in content, dealing with constitutional and legal issues, human rights, elections, and many border issues related to technological changes, artificial intelligence, political systems, human rights, and peace in these turbulent times. A special section in the field of Project Management opened up the questions of the business and technological nature of the company's project design. The section on Applied Artificial Intelligence, as a new tool for the society of the future, drew attention to the technological, economic, communication, and ethical aspects of the new reality.

Scientists from the field of Humanities specifically discussed the aspects of cultural formations and the role of various media and cultural institutions in the digital age. Traditionally, Archival science was strongly represented at the conference, this year dedicated to the security aspect of archives.

Dr. Ludvik Toplak, president of Alma Mater Europaea – ECM, emphasized the message of this year's conference: "We are all responsible that social and technological development leads to safety and dignity".

The Book of Abstracts you can find HERE