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Undergraduate: Dance, Choreography

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Joan van der Mast ( BA / CMA) is an international respected teacher, choreographer, lecturer, coach and advisor in contemporary dance and Laban Movement Analysis.

She is a Codarts (Rotterdam) graduate and she is a certified Laban Movement Analist ( New York), studied Choreology (Laban London), Yoga and Stott Pilates. After a too short career as a dancer due to a severe back injury, she became a faculty member of Codarts, Rotterdam Dance Academy, where she has been teaching Modern Dance Technique, Improvisation and Composition, Movement Analysis and Didactics of Modern Dance and started a career as a choreographer. She also became a faculty member of the Royal Conservatory in The Hague since 1997. She is founder and artistic director of Ex Nunc:Ex Nunc, Center of Modern Dance in The Hague and artistic coordinator of DansPlan, Segbroek College in The Hague. She is co-founder of the European Laban Platform. Internationally she is momentary working as a guest teacher, lecturer, choreographer i.g. at Skopje Dance Academy (Macedonia), Anna Maletic School for Contemporary Dance (Zagreb/Kroatia) & University of Warchau (Faculty of Dance).

From september 2013 on she will be artistic director of the New Dance Center in the Hague.