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June 15 - World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

On this year's World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, the head of the Department of Social Gerontology at the Alma Mater, Professor Dr. Jana Goriup, pointed out discrimination against older adults and all forms of violence against them.

Violence against the elderly is an increasingly common social problem and manifests as physical-psychological and sexual violence, financial exploitation, and neglect. "Violence represents a long-lasting negative behavior of the perpetrator towards an elderly victim, while abuse is a one-time act. However, the two elements of abuse and violence can also be interconnected," explains Dr. Jana Goriup in a conversation on Slovenian national television.

Older adults with unequal opportunities, social exclusion, personal dependence due to helplessness, illness, infirmity, frequent material dependence, or even poverty, and the lesser social power of the elderly often experience violence in interpersonal relationships.

"Violence against the elderly most often comes from persons intimate or personally related to an older person. In Slovenia, we have more than five thousand cases of this type," emphasizes Dr. Jana Goriup. She adds that the elderly experience violence from their own children, grandchildren, and other relatives or also from caregivers, employees of health care, and social care.

Fear, helplessness, and shame prevent these people from seeking help for their troubles. "They are afraid that revealing the violence would increase their vulnerability and put them in even greater distress. We must not be silent or look away," says Dr. Jana Gorip.

"Older women, aged 75 and over, who are also usually socially isolated, are most at risk," she concludes.

Read more about World Elder Abuse Awareness Day