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Faculty Directory by Study Program


Undergraduate: Dance, Choreography

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Ballet for contemporary dancers

The class gives an opportunity to investigate the connection between the formal aesthetic and the anatomical structure of the body. We will deepen the understanding of functional movement principles while implementing ballet vocabulary. The class emphasizes traveling through space and finding our body alignment in relation to gravity as well as exploring different dynamic principles through the conscious use of music.

Maayan Danoch was born in Tel Aviv, studied contemporary dance and choreography at SEAD and received her MA from the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln. Maayan created dance, site-specific and transdisciplinary works, which were presented at venues/festivals such as Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Diver festival, Tanzmesse Düsseldorf, tanz.tausch festival, Kibla Multimedia Center, Gödör Klub Budapest, Dance Theater Ljubljana, to name a few. As a dancer she worked with Jana Unmüßig (DE), Mårten Spångberg (SE), Maya Weinberg (IL/DE), Oleg Soulimenko (RUS/AT) and Dragana Alfirevic (SLO). Maayan was the danceWEB Scholarship recipient in 2014 and artist in residence at Kelim Choreography Center in 2015. She taught dance and writing seminars at the HfMT Köln, SEAD, Ljubljana Dance Academy, Tanzfabrik, Dock 11, among others. She wrote for publications of the 5th. Biennale Tanzausbildung and Tanzkongress 2013.