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Faculty Directory by Study Program


Undergraduate: Dance, Choreography

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Prof. Dr. Majda Pšunder acquired her PhD degree in pedagogical sciences in 1992 at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. From 2002, she is a tenure professor for general pedagogy. Her bibliography contains 575 bibliographical items, of which 28 original and 13 scientific articles and 7 scientific books as a single author or co-author.

She was a guest lecturer at international Universities in Rijeka, Zadar, Zagreb, Belgrade, Olomouc, Prague, Vienna, Novo Mesto, Munich, Marburg and San Diego. In 2004, she received a golden plaque for her achievements in the field of Slovenian pedagogy and education and for the high level of scientific research, pedagogical, professional, practical, managerial and socially engaged activities. She was the head lecturer and taught subjects such as Introduction to Pedagogy, Pedagogy for Artistic Programmes that are held on BA study programmes and subjects such as Pedagogy with Andragogy Fundamentals and Team work that are taught at postgraduate study programmes.

She is still active as the head lecturer and teacher of Pedagogy and Andragogy within the pedagogical additional qualification at the Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor, as the head lecturer and teacher of Pedagogy as part of the pedagogical additional qualification at the Faculty of Education, University of Maribor, as the head lecturer and teacher of Pedagogy with Andragogy Fundamentals at the postgraduate study level of medical care at the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Maribor and as the head lecturer and teacher of Selected chapters of Pedagogy and Didactics at the study programme Dance/Choreography at the Academy of Dance Alma Mater Europaea.

In subjects Selected chapters of Pedagogy and Didactics I and II, that are taught in the first and second year of the Academy of Dance, students of ballet and contemporary dance acquire knowledge and an insight into the fundamentals of educational rules and factors, teachers' abilities for pedagogical work, discovery and development of artistic motivation and successful teaching and efficient communication.