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Professionally experts are needed for dignity in archival science

Social and technological changes are also reflected in the field of archival science. The 8th International Symposium of Archivists, entitled Security and Dignity in Archival Theory and Practice, will be held at the 11th Annual Conference of Europe’s Sciences and Arts Leaders and Scholars It's About People: Social and Technological Development in Service of Security and Dignity.

Archivists primarily encounter social and technological changes when recording and taking over archival material from creators to competent archives. Social changes bring differences in forming new or renewed creators and, thus, archival funds.

"Regarding the recording and information of the funds, we are tied to the interruptions of the time definition of a certain creator, but at the same time, it is the archival material of one. Because of the changes, we have to define this differently in the new period and often indicate the new creator. Upon admission to the competent archive, this is an archival collection we must classify. This problem is also reflected in the inventories and records of funds, both at the level of the competent archive, as well as in the records of funds of the entire country," explains Professor Peter Pavel Klasinc, Head of the departments of the Archival Science at Alma Mater Europaea -ECM. 

"To achieve dignity in archival science, professionally qualified experts are necessary, such as graduate archivists, masters in archival science and documentology, and doctors of archival sciences," believes Prof. Klasinc. He points out that dignity can also be conditioned by official education and titles associated with it. "According to the positive archival legislation, by-laws, standards, and the like, archival experts must ensure their implementation and thus gain dignity. All of this is connected with the observance of legal regulations and proper material protection. However, above all, it must be based on the awareness that implementing dignity in archival theory and practice will also mean favorable conditions for preserving archival material as cultural heritage at the national and international level." Prof. explains. dr. Klasinc.

At the symposium, which will take place on March 11, 2023, will also participate Karen Trivette, Fashion Institute of Technology, Professor, State University of New York; Andreja Casar, Archivist, Historical Archives of the European Union, Italy; Dimitrij Reja, Ph.D. Candidate, Alma Mater Europaea - ECM 

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