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Skills for effective project management

Alma Mater participated in the meeting of the PM2EU project in Madrid, the purpose of which was to offer project managers the appropriate tools for effective management.

"We learned about the preparation of curricula for teaching the EU methodology for PM2 project managers, developed by the European Commission and taking place in cooperation with seven European partners under the leadership of Tor Vergata University in Rome," explains Tomaž Klojčnik, who on behalf of Alma Mater attended the event together with dr. Reinhard Wagner.
Master's and doctoral students of Project Management at Alma Mater will already be included in the dedicated education program next year. "An integral part of the education, which will be a regular part of the study process in the future, will also be the meeting of all students and partners in Rome, where they will exchange the acquired knowledge," concludes Klojčnik.
More about the project HERE