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A new academic path for EU project managers

Alma Mater is a partner of the EUPM - Improving EU funds management project, which brings together universities from seven European countries. The project aims to define an innovative and common academic path for better project planning and management in Europe.

At the two-day event in Koper, experts discussed effective project management, which has become a critical variable in achieving EU goals and national strategies and solving current pandemic crises. "The project aims to increase students' employment opportunities in a dynamic and attractive sector by improving their skills and abilities in managing EU-funded projects. We want to enrich the higher education sector with a new, joint and innovative academic path to improve its alignment with the growing market demand for qualified EU project managers," says Mladen Radujkovič, the world's leading expert in the field of project management.

At the economic and social level, the project will improve the capacity of organizations to manage EU-funded projects and provide effective results to better contribute to the achievement of programs and strategies in terms of economic, social, and environmental objectives. At the higher education level, the main results will be the improvement of the coordination of the higher education system to the growing demand for qualified EU project managers.