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Alma Mater Archivists Work at Slovenian Museum in Cleveland

As part of a project to organize and catalog the archival and documentary materials of the Slovenian Museum and Archives in Cleveland, a group of archivists from Alma Mater Europaea University has begun actively organizing and digitizing valuable historical documents that preserve the cultural heritage of Slovenian immigrants in the USA.

"The start of our project at the Slovenian Museum and Archives in Cleveland was marked by a warm welcome from Dr. Luka Zibelnik, an employee of the University of Ljubljana and a lecturer at the Center for Slovenian Studies, where he leads the Slovenian Language Department at Cleveland State University. During our visit, he introduced us to the society's activities that preserved Slovenian cultural heritage and gave us a tour of the Slovenian National Home, where the museum operates. We were particularly impressed by the Slovenian National Library, which holds a collection of older books donated by Slovenian descendants living in Cleveland," reported Anja Kotnik, head librarian at Alma Mater.

The group was also welcomed by the society's president, Greg Nosan, along with other members who maintain the traditions of their ancestors, although only a few still speak Slovenian. "During the first week, we attended several events that were part of the Slovenian Community Days in Cleveland 2024, including the culinary workshop Cook Slovenian!, where we were impressed with the preparation of traditional 'ričet' and 'orehova potica'," added Kotnik.

The new consul, Suzana Češarek, expressed her enthusiasm during a productive meeting about collaborating with consular services and Alma Mater University, emphasizing the importance of archival work.

Professor Dr. Peter Pavel Klasinc, head of archival studies at Alma Mater, is leading the project to organize and catalog the Slovenian Museum and Archives in Cleveland's archival and documentary materials.