Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (SQAA), on day September 29, 2022, extended the accreditation of Alma Mater Europaea for five years, which is the longest possible extension period. The university meets all quality standards and fulfills its Slovenian and international higher education mission.
In their final evaluation, the experts noted: “Alma Mater provides university teachers, students, and researchers with excellent infrastructural and organizational conditions for research work and publishing activities. The institute’s strategic plan is aligned with its mission and national and European guidelines. It monitors knowledge needs and employment needs, where a high level of demand and successful employability of graduates is evident.” The assessors also pointed out that students can participate in professional and academic research.
The assessors noted that Alma Mater meets quality standards in changing, updating, and implementing the study program. It constantly monitors the implementation of the study
programs, taking into account development within the professions, and improves and maintains the programs’ goals, competencies, and learning outcomes. They also noted an appropriate and high-quality personnel structure and the possibility of ongoing employee professional training. The development and progress in higher education teachers' academic research and professional work are also constantly changing.