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Dear users of Alma Mater IT services, The diversity of computer networks usage is increasing every day. By the time you read this e-mail, thousands of new Internet users will be created, millions of new digital contents will be recorded, and unfortunately, a large number of malicious e-mails will also be dispatched.

For this reason, we have created a new website (LINK) on Alma Mater, where you will find the latest information on possible undesirable events in the Alma Mater network, security incidents and descriptions of recommended actions in these cases. You are invited to save this web page address among your bookmarks in the browser.

General instructions for safe use of the Internet and e-mail are that in the case of questionable content unrelated to the person with whom we can verify the authenticity of the message, we do not read such content and do not click on the links and do not give passwords to third parties. If the password is disclosed to someone, we recommend changing it as soon as possible according to the official procedure through the VIS (data> AD password) or asking for IT support ( It is best to throw suspicious e-mails in the bin, where it is still available if needed as the last possibility.

Awareness of us users is essential for the safe use of the Internet, as proper handling of the computer protects us from many inconveniences associated with the digital world. With the right amount of healthy mistrust and precaution when travelling in the digital world, there’s nothing wrong with that. If in doubt, contact your network administrators. At Alma Mater, this is our IT service, and its contacts are:

IT Notifications Website: (LINK)
Phone: +386 59 335 079

Your IT Department at Alma Mater