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Faculty Directory by Study Program


Undergraduate: Dance, Choreography

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After more than 35 years of activity in theatre and film, Branko Završan (1962) is one of most complex creators in Slovenia. After he graduated at AGRFT, he continued his studies at the L’inEcole Internationale du Theatre, Mime et Mouvement Jacques Lecoq in Paris, where he lived and created for 10 years. He formed numerous visible roles of highest quality in theatre and film. Several films received prestigious awards (Golden Marc Aurelio in Rome, Golden Palm in Cannes, Golden Lion, Berlin Bear, Oscar). He received many acknowledgements for theatre play; the Župančič award, Gong of Creativity, and Večer’s award for acting achievements. He is also creating documentaries and musical projects.


The goal of this subject is to become familiar with the basic laws of stage, psychology of the audience, theatre technique and styles, emotional conditions and their understanding and, most of all, the possibility of transformation and interpretation; to get into the role (also dancing). Systematically, lectures go through movement technique and its analysis, research of signs in expression with theatre masks, basics of acting, theatre styles, which also include words, improvisation, and final synthesis of acquired knowledge in the form of independent product.


The subject is intended for dancers who want to create dance theatre or work as dancers in a drama theatre. The subject will explore the use and connection of the represented dance techniques and types in a theatre event. To search narration, situation, and emotion through dance in order for the dancer to become established as a theatrical character and creator. The dancer leans on the analysis of movement and dance techniques as a theatrical sign, improvisation of a specific topic through dance, and setting up complex dance theatrical events and simulations of dance shows.