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The Ph.D. degree program in the humanities is an interdisciplinary program linking anthropological, philosophical and linguistic disciplines, tailored to the needs of individual students.

The program provides students with a flexible, interdisciplinary framework, built on connections among specific courses and areas of interest. Our Ph.D. students go through rigorous theoretical and methodological training that imparts strong research and analytical skills and enables students to adapt to the constantly changing 21st century labor market. The program enables students to study fields and disciplines that are underrepresented in other Slovene higher learning institutions.

Academic excellence. Innovative programs. Real-world connections. First-class educational experience. Impact your career. Study in the heart of Europe.



  Course ECTS
Mandatory courses
1 Humanities I 15
2 Humanities II 15
Elective Courses
3 Interdisciplinary methodologies 5
4 Balkan anthropology 5
5 Anthropology of knowledge 5
6 Anthropology of religion and believing 5
7 Communication and society 5
8 Anthropology of labor and migrations 5
9 Film and popular culture theory 5
10 Sexuality and love studies 5
11 Radical etnographical methods and feminist studies 5
12 Behavior and discourse 5
13 Gender and popular culture 5
14 Anthropology of artistic practice 5
  Other activities ECTS
15 Preparation for doctoral thesis 10
16 Doctoral seminar 1-doctoral thesis subject registration 10
17 Individual research (for the doctoral thesis) 10
18 Doctoral seminar 2 10
In the 3. Year students prepare and defend their doctoral thesis.



Undergraduate: Humanities
Graduate: Humanities
Graduate: Humanities


Bibliography: Read more

- religious  feminism,  eco-feminism, (Christian) feminist theology; religion and ecology, thealogy religion and ecology, comparative religious studies, interreligious dialogue, African indigenous religions.

Nadja Furlan Štante received her B.A. degree (2000) in Theology, M.A. (2003) and  PhD degree (2005) in Women's religious studies, at Faculty of Theology (University of Ljubljana) with a thesis on »The Influence of Gender Stereotypes on Violence in the System of State and the Catholic Church«.  Nadja Furlan Štante is a member of the Institute for Philosophical Studies and director's adviser.

Previously, she was employed as a young researcher at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Ljubljana. In 2008, she got employed at the University of Primorska, Science and Research Centre at the (UP ZRS), as a leader of a postdoctoral project. She received a Fullbright research grant (Fulbright Visiting Scholar) for the 2008-09 academic year at University of Berkeley, CA.

In addition to his research work, she was (is) occasionally involved in pedagogical work: first at UP FHŠ (Faculty of Humanities, University of Primorska), where she was a member (2009-2013) and Deputy Head of the Department of Philosophy (2012-2013); at the Pedagogical Faculty, University of Primorska (doctoral program - Level III – 2013-2014); and as guest and invited lecturer at various Universities and Faculties (Faculty of Fine Arts and Faculty of Social Sciences (2013-2014) of the University of Ljubljana (2013-2014), ISH (Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis) AlmaMater (from 2016) and Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Maribor (2016-2019). She was a member of two University commissions: the Commission for International Cooperation of the University of Primorska (2012-2014) and the Commission for Scientific Research and Development Work at the University of Primorska (2014-2016). Since 2010 she is a member of the permanent expert body of the Scientific Research Council for Humanities (national coordinator for theology) at ARRS (Slovenian National Research Agency). She is also a member of the Expert Body at the MIZŠ RS (Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia): Commission for Women in Science –  renamed to Commission for Equal Opportunities in the Field of Science.

Nadja Furlan Štante has published several scientific monographs and articles, a detailed insight into her's scientific publications, which encompass approximately 200 units -

In addition to Fulbright's scholarship (Fulbright Visiting Scholar, University of Berkeley, CA in 2008-2009,  she also gain the National Award - Excellence in Science 2013 - Humanities – Theology.


Dr. Nadja Furlan Štante is currently a leader of basic national research project (J6-9393) »Interreligious dialogue – a Basis for Coexisting Diversity in the Light of Migration and the Refugee Crisis« and a member of national research program (P5-0409). So far she has led and participated in numerous national research projects and programmes (3) in her extensive research work. She was a research leader of two basic national research projects: postdoctoral research project (Z6-0211) »Religion and Sexism: the image and position of a woman in the Jewish-Christian tradition« and basic national research project  (J6-3611) »Theological Ecofeminism and the modern ecological crisis«.  As a project collaborator she participated in the following basic national research projects:

Since 2010, Nadja Furlan Štante is a member of the permanent expert body of the Scientific Research Council for Humanities (national coordinator for theology) at ARRS (Slovenian Research Agency). She is also a member of the Expert Body at the MIZŠ RS (Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia): Commission for Women in Science. She received a Fullbright research grant (Fulbright Visiting Scholar) for the 2008-09 academic year at University of Berkeley. She is a member of ESWTR (European Society of Women in Theological Research) and Society for religiology and imterreligious dialogue. She is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Monitor and Poligrafi Journal. She is the organizer and co-organizer of several international and domestic scientific conferences.



The institute provides an intellectually supportive and professionally enriching environment for postgraduate students. By focusing on specialized research of your own design, you will have a much greater degree of freedom to exercise your own creativity and imagination. You will also have the responsibility of exercising your own independent judgment and critical thinking, and of expressing your ideas in a distinctive scholarly voice.

All our lectures are filmed and e-learning supported. You can watch them in live stream and re-run them at home as many times as you like.

Grants & Partnerships


Graduates of our Humanities Ph.D. program are trained to communicate clearly, think critically and make reasoned choices - skills that will be in demand in just about any profession. Graduates will acquire the skills they need to pursue careers in research, governmental and non-governmental organizations, communications, and media.

  • DURATION: 6 semesters / 3 years
  • TITLE: Doctor of Philosophy in Humanities
  • LOCATIONS: Slovenia
  • START DATE: October

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