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Undergraduate: Dance, Choreography

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Ivan Mijačević (1979, Ptuj), choreographer, composer, dancer, pedagogue and kindergarten teacher assitant, student of classical piano performance (Maribor Music and Ballet Secondary Conservatory, 1997-1999) and music pedagogy (Pef Maribor, 1998-2005), holds a diploma in choreography and performance (SEAD, 2008) and a master's degree in dance dissemination in contemporary context (HfMT Köln, 2015). He is a memeber of artistic collectives sz3, inability crew, danceCO, and has collaborated, amongst others, with Dragana Alfirević, Mateja Bučar, Maayan Danoch, Katie Duck, Julyen Hamilton, Matej Kejžar, Mateja Kokol, Katja Legin, Kaja Lorenci, Lisa Nelson, Snježana Premuš, Ingo Reulecke, Luka Martin Škof and Maya Weinberg. He had lad a course on the relations of music and dance, and advised in education programmes at the School for New Dance Development Amsterdam, Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance, National Dance Academy Rome, Academy of Music and Dance Köln, Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance, Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts, Alma Mater Europaea – Dance Academy, Praktikum SVŠGL, Tanzfabrik Berlin, Yasmeen Godder Studio, WDSF.