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New president of Tutors – Klara Trček

Alma Mater tutors have new leadership. Klara Trček, a second-year physiotherapy student at Alma Mater in Ljubljana, was elected as their president.

The Commission, composed of assoc. prof. Sebastjan Kristovič, PhD, assistant prof. Tine Kovačič, PhD, Mladen Herc, M.Sc and Katarina Pernat, confirmed tutors for the new academic year 2021/2022. The list of all tutors is available HERE . Irena Prosenik was confirmed as the vice-president of tutors.

At the time of her appointment, Klara Trček said: “I would like to inform the first year students and remind the senior year students that a serious approach, responsibility, tolerance and collegiality are expected from each individual upon entering the study process. We are currently in the role of classmates, and in just a few years, we will be able to be each other's colleagues. Let's not forget good relations and mutual help even during the study years. Still, don’t let the naughty sparkle in your eyes go out, take advantage of your youth, doubt, explore, ask, and persevere. Participate in post-study activities offered by the faculty and achieve the set goals with a positive approach to learning. Along the way, we provide you with support and help from tutors who are just a matter away. This year, we will strive for an active involvement of tutors in the study process of students, especially first-year students, who are now getting to know the study methods and approaches. To this end, we will try to organize as many educational workshops and pre-exam repetitions as possible, which would help the student to better understand the study material. Only together can we create a successful profession backed by quality knowledge. I wish you a successful academic year, full of motivation and inspiration. "