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Undergraduate: Dance, Choreography

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Nina Meško is well known in Slovenian dancing circles as a contemporary dancer and choreographer. For the last seven years, she has been working as an independent expert advisor on dance at the Republic of Slovenia Public Fund for Cultural Activities (JSKD). Nina has been professionally involved in dance and choreography for over a decade. She was awarded a grant by the Ministry of Culture to train in New York. All her original pieces (Watching Alice, 13 Hours in April, Crash Course in Flying, Deep Show, What a Feeling, The State of Things) showcase articulated conceptual structure and a strong interest in experimenting. She performed at numerous events in Slovenia and abroad. Nina Meško received two major international residential grants – ArtsLink (NY) and Tanzquarter (A).

In her work at the JSKD, Nina focuses mainly on boosting the interest in and knowledge of dance art and the pedagogy of creative dance. She provides expert assistance to all who dance, wish to dance or teach dance. She takes care of information flow and exchange in Slovenia and abroad, organises events about contemporary dance, dance pedagogy and dance medicine, drafts incentives for creation and facilitates conditions for staging performances. This is how she managed to create the festivals and educational events, whose main goal is to foster dance creativity of children and youth and provide for professional qualifications of their mentors all over Slovenia’s regions.