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Physiotherapy in pregnancy

Physiotherapy treatment and regular physical activity effectively reduce pain in the pelvic girdle in pregnant women. This was confirmed by Barbara Golob, a graduate of physiotherapy at Alma Mater, with her thesis.

"Pelvic girdle pain (PGP) is a specific pain that can result from a combination of hormonal, biomechanical, genetic degenerative, and metabolic changes. "The consequences of PGP cause difficulties for pregnant women in physical activities such as standing and walking. The pain makes it difficult for them to perform household and everyday tasks, work, which can lead to psychosocial distress for the pregnant woman," explains the graduate, adding that the condition of PGP can be controlled with physiotherapy treatment or improved in this way. "At the same time, physical activity and specific stabilization exercises are also significant, which help to reduce pain and improve the functionality of pregnant women."

Through research in her final assignment, the student also found that, despite PGP, many pregnant women are physically active. "The most frequently chosen physical activities were walking and guided physical exercise for pregnant women. "Pregnant women also reported the positive impact of physical exercise on the reduction of pain in the pelvic girdle," adds the graduate.