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Project Management

Recent International researches conducted in Germany, China, South Africa, Brazil, Norway, Croatia and other countries confirm that projects participate in national economies by 30-40%, with an increasing trend called projectification (International Project Management Association, 2017.). It is not only about traditionally project-oriented sectors, like construction or IT, but also more and more organizations from different sectors oriented to operations, which use projects for introducing changes, innovations and adaptation to market trends, so as for an aim to be more successful and better positioned in their business.  Consequently, there are permanent needs for more and more experts and leaders specialized in project, program and portfolio management. While such gap between needs and availability is enlarging, in parallel project dimensions are also enlarging, complexity is growing, criteria become more demanding and stakeholders expectations are growing, so projectification claims for creative project leaders ready to deal with demanding project concept developments,  complex project issues and mega-projects management  in the way that it brings benefits to organizations and welfare to a society at large.

Alma Mater Europaea Doctor of Science in Project Management degree program offers a focused concentration in Project, Program and Portfolio Management. The study is offered as an option for professionals or researchers who want to improve their own competences up to the highest level of creative leadership. It mainly addresses the needs of the profession for the highest challenges in the area of project, program and portfolio management. The target attendees are experts from central and South-East Europe, but the program, the staff and learning outcomes are recognized as an EU degree program, and therefore acknowledged globally.

The program prepares students to think and act strategically, making positive contributions to the world of projects. It is focused primarily on top level project/ program / portfolio managers and executives in organizations where they implement the managed by projects model. The study program is also very much appropriate for public agency staff, consultants, academics and entrepreneurs. Young professionals are also welcome, if decided to develop their careers for challenging and management positions.

The Study Programme partners – signed Memorandum of Understanding


We have students from many countries, including Portugal, France, Italy, Hungary, Switzerland, Croatia, Germany, Slovenia, India, Russia, Peru, Lebanon, Pakistan, Nepal, Nigeria, … Here are some details about the Study, our students would like to share.

The Alma Mater Europaea doctoral program in project management enables me to investigate the exact research field of my interest. Through this, I can obtain very deep knowledge about my specific professional field and my various projects by combining the everyday work tasks with my research projects.

AMEU helped me to choose the right supervisor for me with the focus on my scientific topic, but also by focusing on the right environment in terms of interpersonal relationships, which is equally important for a study program on this high educational level in parallel to the usual profession.” 

Gunnar, Germany

Since I have spent almost twenty years in the world of project management and have put a lot of energy into learning and training, I did not expect a big surprise. But the Project Management Doctoral Study opened up a new world for me: I gained insight into the world of science, a new perspective on everything I already knew, personal contact and support from renowned professors and researchers. A got professional and human relationships with “classmates” within the school walls that go beyond our studies. I think learning in Project Management Doctoral Study program is a huge experience and a real challenge.” 

Brigitta, Hungary

Alma Mater PPPM adds scientific approach and opens new doors for us practitioners allowing combination of learning from practice and research paradigm. Also, I have met, exchanged ideas and started networking with extraordinary experts with amazing achievements.

Damir, Croatia

"I can quite honestly say that studying for my Ph.D. at Alma Mater Europaea, is one of the best things I have done in my professional career. The ideas generated by collaborating with new colleagues from different industries and different cultures from around the world are invaluable. The outstanding faculty - drawn from leading universities across the globe, bring access to world-class research, a wealth of industry experience and the ability to present complex concepts and conduct cross-disciplinary research. This is valuable to me because I want to understand how projects can be used to solve the most pressing economic and social challenges in Africa."

Eze, Nigeria

When I enrolled to Alma Mater I was a bit hesitant given my lack of academic background. But the Doctoral Program on Project Management is made on purpose for project management professionals and we are very well guided and mentored toward the thesis work. The quality of the students and teachers we meet is outstanding. The research approach to my field of competence is new but it opens up now so many possibilities to continue my career and to be recognized for my contributions to the discipline.”

 Laurent, France

I work as a project manager in the field of civil engineering in Augsburg, Germany. To fulfil the desire for scientific career, I enrolled in Phd of Project Management at Alma Mater Europaea in October 2017. Since I am employed and often on construction sites, online streaming of all lectures is a huge advantage. Thus, I am able to participate in discussions and assignments, not being deprived if I cannot personally attend the lectures. Not only professors are experts in their domains, also students are experienced professionals, covering different topics from the area of project management. We all are from different countries worldwide, so many topics are united in diversity.

Comparing price and quality of similar European institutions, the PhD degree in Project Management at AME is the best option. I have had the opportunity to meet the professors and other employers of AME - we are progressing together in a casual but professional atmosphere.

Nikola, Croatia

"My experience as a student of the Dr.Sc. Program of Project Management is very good. The high level of professors, the courses, and also the colleagues I met there contribute very much to my learning experience.

I have enjoyed very much all the courses and I strongly recommend to take the PhD program. It is very valuable that Alma Mater Europea offers this possibility to all students. Great program!"

Germán, Peru

I joined PhD study at Alma Mater after serious considerations of other PhDs at similar universities. As a practitioner it was important for me to find a program which fits in my tight working schedule and provides a strong connection between practice, science and research. After one year of study I confirm that Project Management program exceeds my expectations. My fellow students are from diverse fields with impressive careers. Professors are leaders in their fields, but with high sensitivity for practice.

Leo, Croatia

Studying at Alma Mater means sharing experiences with internationally diverse group of people and, and developing competences in the field of research, which helps you to complete your profile. I have always enjoyed different places we study at and people we meet, all from academia and different fields of practice. It´s tough to perform studies parallel to a job, but it´s definitely worth moving forward towards the next level of personal development.

Reinhard, Germany

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  • Specialized Doctoral study in project, program and portfolio management.

  • Patronage of European Academy of Science and Arts (EASA) for AMEU study programs

  • 3 years part time study program, designed for employed people

  • Prerequisites – university master degree, knowledge of English language, experience in project management minimum 3 years

  • Official language: English

  • Blended, online and in-class participation

  • Ability to deliver the full program online if necessary, in the case of global pandemic

  • Work load: 60 ECTS per academic year

  • Our professors are international team coming from – Austria, Italy, USA, Germany, Slovenia, ….

  • Venues for in-class part of lectures and research workshops are major cities within Central Europe (i.e. Zagreb, Vienna, Budapest, Munich, Milan, Berlin,…. ). Specific places are selected for each course within current academic year,  in communication with students. In the case of global pandemic, in-class part of the program will be delivered in online mode, with no change in the content or schedule

  • Application for PM DR study programme at AME is active via e-portal of Ministry of Education, Science and Sport. By completing the enrolment application, one is not obliged to enrol, however the application is mandatory for all that wish/decide to enrol for a study. In the case of any need for technical support for completing the registration, or being not able to register by online, please use this form and send it to the following mail address

The first year

6 courses and 2 seminars, joint and individual workload,  6 weekends joint in-class lectures with parallel live streaming and all lectures recording for late availability for students. 

Compulsory courses:

  • Research design and methodology

  • Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in Project Management

  • Project, Program and Portfolio Management


Students select three courses from the list with options, such as:

  • People in Project-oriented Organisations HRM in Projects, Programs and Project-oriented Organisations

  • Competence Development in Project, Program and Portfolio Management

  • Mega projects and Complex Project Management

  • IT in project management

  • Managing risks, changes and constraints in projects


Second and third year

Second and third year are focused to student individual work primarily on thesis proposal development, research and thesis defence and include:

  • participation and presentations at research workshops,

  • active participation at PM research conference,

  • conference and journal research papers publishing,

  • case study,

  • thesis development and defence,

  • …. 



Graduate: Environmental Studies, Social Gerontology
Graduate: Project Management, Social Gerontology


Bibliography: Read more


Professionals with a deepened understanding of project management – those who embody the profile of a graduate in the field – can bring about the development of both economic and non-economic sectors.

Besides the gaining of specific competences related to management of projects, programs and portfolios, students receive opportunities to specialize in core areas of risk management, the management of so-called mega-projects, labour management, as well as time- and cost-management in projects. Our students of project management can aid the creation and execution of corporate strategies, as our study program enables:

  • mastery of methodological and theoretical knowledge required for personal participation and contribution to the development of the field;
  • ability to set, shape and execute an extensive research process;
  • ability to perform scientific research projects encompassing a wide range of professional and scientific fields;
  • qualification to participate in international projects;
  • ability to report on one’s findings within the framework of scientific conferences and publications, thus contributing to the further development of scientific disciplines and science in general;
  • qualification to develop creative thinking, while respecting the fundamental code of ethics as standard in thorough scientific practice;
  • ability to oversee complex labour systems, solve labour-related challenges, by finding new solutions;
  • ability to adequately critique others and oneself;
  • ability to solve complex project, program and portfolio problems
  • ability to develop further competences and thus advance project management as a profession

The doctoral study of project management is supported with modern informations technology and is performed in combination of live and recorded lectures, videoconferences, peer communication and adequately formatted electronic study material.

Grants & Partnerships


Graduates of project management are eligible for employment in all sectors that implement projects, programs or portfolios.

Within the economic sector, employment opportunities are mostly related to the management of large, complex projects, office or research work, as well as consulting work related to the establishment and execution of projects.

Other employment opportunities can be found in public institutions and agencies, conducting project management for the governmental apparatus. Graduating with a degree in project management qualifies our students to prepare, evaluate and control public projects.

A rapidly increasing number, complexity and significance of projects, increased the demand for experts and researchers – persons who can utilize adequate methodology, for the advancement of the profession and project objectives alike.

Doctors of project management will obtain employment in:

  • educational institutions, where it is crucial to educate the next generation of project managers;
  • developmental institutions, where the profession of project management is in constant interdisciplinary development;
  • companies that operate large and complex mega-projects;
  • consulting firms that offer relevant, specialized services for the management of projects;
  • local and national administrations, where public projects are prepared and executed.
  • DURATION: 6 semesters / 3 years
  • TITLE: Doctor of Science in Project Management
  • LOCATION: Hybrid: Online, Austria, Germany, Slovenia, Croatia
  • START DATES: October

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