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Students participated in the rehabilitation of elderly people, who have recovered from COVID

Kristina Kerbler and Matjaž Lobnik, master students of physiotherapy Alma Mater, performed testing of elderly people who have recovered from Covid-19 at the Danica Vogrinec Nursing home in Maribor. This took place under the watchful eyes of their mentors Mladen Herc, M.Sc. assistant prof. dr. Tine Kovačič.

This test checked the effectiveness and efficiency of their rehabilitation. Before testing the elderly, the students repeated the tensiomyographic measurements. "Measurements are performed on elderly people who are being treated by AMEU ECM physiotherapy students, who are helping the nursing home physiotherapist Uroš Gajšt with the rehabilitation of the elderly. The photographs show that tensiomyography was performed in the elderly and a part of the quadriceps femoris - vastus medialis (lying) and biceps (sitting) was measured. To check the functional state,
physiotherapy students performed functional tests, "explained Tine Kovačič, PhD, head of the Physiotherapy master's program at Alma Mater.