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Tine Kovačič at the physiotherapy congress in Geneva

Our lecturer and mentor of numerous diploma thesis at Alma Mater, Tine Kovačič, who is also the president of the Physiotherapy Association of Slovenia was among the participants at the recent physiotherapy congress in Geneva.

During this great experience I obtained new knowledge in evidence-based practice in the field of neurophysiotherapy, sports injuries and the newest guidelines and recommendations in the field of physiotherapy treatment of patients with back pain, physiotherapy in paediatrics, prevention of falls and physiotherapy in geriatrics. I also participated in lectures and seminars on the topic of education physical therapists and scientific research work in the field of physiotherapy, analysis of research reports, application of evidence-based practice, research methodology and transfer of knowledge. I furthermore participated in a workshop in the field of hydrotherapy of neurological patients in one of the elite Swiss hospitals in Geneva, discussing the topic with renown experts in the field of hydrotherapy. I believe that participation at the said congress was very important, as I was able to get to know state-of-the-art knowledge, new findings in theory and practice, new scientific findings in the field of physiotherapy which is becoming a profession of the future. All of this will enable me to work better and more professionally as the Head of the OMR and physiotherapist with special knowledge, as well as a lecturer when teaching students of physiotherapy. Participation at the congress was also important because it means networking and exchange of information with colleagues and renown lecturers and researchers, who work in the clinical practice. I also shared information about my research work and informed them about findings from my doctoral dissertation, while at the same time got in touch with other researchers in the field of researching effectiveness of individual interventions among people with development difficulties,” said Tine Kovačič.

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