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Alma Mater Archivists Work at Slovenian Museum in Cleveland

As part of a project to organize and catalog the archival and documentary materials of the Slovenian Museum and Archives in Cleveland, a group of archivists from Alma Mater Europaea University has begun actively organizing and digitizing valuable historical documents that preserve the cultural heritage of Slovenian immigrants in the USA.

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Dance Academy Explores Tradition and Innovation

This year, the Alma Mater Europaea Dance Academy organized its fifth dance section as part of the 12th International Conference It’s About People 2024, titled Dance between Tradition and Innovation.

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Alma Mater Launches Directors' School program for managing

Alma Mater Europaea University has launched the first segment of its Program for managing a social welfare institution - Director's School, designed for new directors and leaders of social welfare institutions.

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Daniel Siter Organized the Scientific Conference The Flight of the Crow: 80 Years Later

Daniel Siter, a researcher and PhD candidate at Alma Mater Europaea – ISH Faculty, organized and moderated the conference "The Flight of the Crow: 80 Years Later" at IRC Maribor.

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European Archaeologists in Rome Discuss Fishing in Prehistoric Communities

At the end of August, Professor Dr. Anja Hellmuth Kramberger attended the 30th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA), which was held this year in Rome.

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