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Beyond sport through a No Brain, No Gain project (BRAIN)

Project duration: 1.11.2022 – 30.10. 2024

Project leader: doc. dr. Luka Šlosar

Project financed by the program: ERASMUS-SPORT-2022-SSCP

Project description:

The established BRAIN project consortium has a wealth of expertise in physical education and physiotherapy practice, contributing to the development of the Enriched Environment for Physical Activity program and related training courses aimed at engaging low-income countries in high-quality physical activity intervention, while and overcome the main obstacles to the participation of disabled people in physical activities.

The BRAIN project will guide the creation of cognitively challenging physical activities by developing and testing an exercise program based on "enriched environments" that have been recognized as essential for preschool literacy readiness and later academic achievement (Shaul & Schwartz, 2014 ; Oberer et al., 2018).