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SAFEMEDIC - Personal Safety of Medical Personnel in Difficult Professional Situations (2018-2020)


The International Labour Organization ranked medical professions as the second most vulnerable to violence in the workplace. This view is supported by the consortium’s pre-project research which saw a questionnaire disseminated to key stakeholders and received over 1000 responses. Results showed that only 5.9% respondents with previous patient contact said that they had never been verbally assaulted by patients and 62.5% were victims of physical assault by patients at least once.


The chief goal of the project is to improve the workplace safety of healthcare professionals by increasing their skills and competences in dealing with difficult situations. To achieve this the project consortium will design and develop a complex multi-stakeholder, inter-disciplinary course for healthcare students, predominantly focused at paramedics and nurses. The didactic materials and project’s intellectual outputs will also be accessible to the rest of the health workforce such as physicians and physiotherapists.


The project will develop an educational course which will result in an increase in the conflict management skills and knowledge of healthcare professionals. The course will create a uniform, comprehensive and complete programme applicable to all partner countries of the consortium, while also being adaptable enough for use in the rest of Europe and beyond. The majority of educational materials will be available online, free of charge, in the form of multimedia interactive materials realised in a Moodle format.


The SAFEMEDIC project runs from November 2018 to October 2020.


  • Wyzsza Szkola Ekonomii, Prawa i Nauk Medycznych im. prof. Edwarda Lipinskiego w Kielcach, Poland
  • International Network for Health Workforce Education, Spain
  • Institute of Technology Tralee, Ireland
  • Vysoka Skola Zdravotnicka, Czech Republic
  • Alma Mater Europaea-Evropski Center Maribor, Slovenia
  • Kauno Kolegija/ University of Applied Sciences, Lithuania
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