Student status may be extended for a maximum of one year, provided that:
a student does not graduate in a study program of the first or second Bologna cycle within 12 months after the conclusion of the final semester, if he or she did not previously repeat a year or change the study program;
a student does not graduate from a study program of the first or second Bologna cycle at the end of the final semester, if the student repeated a year or changed the study program;
a student does not enrol to the next year or semester during the studies;
a student does not complete a post-graduate education of the second Bologna degree after a master’s study program, within 12 months after the final semester.
Justified reasons for not completing study obligations:
Maternity in time of study – proof: extract from the birth registry.
High-risk pregnancy irrespective of the outcome – proof: confirmation from a gynaecology specialist.
Fatherhood in the first year after birth, if the father resides in common household with the child – extract from the birth registry, confirmation of common household, confirmation of using childcare leave.
Illness lasting at least three months during the time of classes – numbered medical confirmation, issued by a personal doctor with the length of treatment.The medical note must include the period of absence. In the period of absence, the student cannot take exams or complete any other obligations, as displayed in VIS.
Death of student's family members (mother, father, brother, sister, husband, wife, child) – proof: extract from the book of the deceased, the birth register, from which the relationship can be derived, in the case of members of the common household, a certificate of a common household.
Hardship in the student's family evidenced from the Center for Social Work, which hindered the student's academic engagement during exam time or the school year – proof: confirmation from the Center for Social Work, which shows the development of the situation for at least a month prior to the examination period.
Education in two or more study programs – proof: confirmation of enrolment.
Minimum three months of education abroad – proof: confirmation of education abroad.
Active involvement and participation in the institution’s bodies – proof: confirmation of active participation at the meetings of the body signed by the competent authority.
Outstanding activity in the artistic, cultural, humanitarian, sports and research fields during the examination periods - proof: a certificate of exceptional activity issued by an appropriate organization such as:
a certificate from the Olympic Committee of Slovenia on status of categorized athlete,
a certificate of sports gymnasium on sports status, or
a certificate from the highest authority for non-Olympic sports;
a certificate of success in national knowledge competition or meeting; of young researchers;
a certificate of participation in the Knowledge Olympiad;
A student must attach a proof of circumstances in question. The Committee for Student Affairs is hold responsible for interpretation and criteria of reasons listed above.
Students who have grounded reasons for not completing their study obligations must submit a request for an extension of student status to the Committee for Student Affairs. The request for extension can be submitted in VIS, by selecting 'Requests' in the left-hand-side menu, then fill the Request for Enrolment – Extension of Student Status form. Students must add scanned documents (up to five attachments) to the completed request. When the application is complete and successfully submitted via VIS, the Student affair office will include it in the next meeting of the Commission for Study Affairs (KŠZ) and issue the student with an invoice for processing the request in accordance with the Alma Mater price list. The student will receive the invoice to his email address, which he must settle within seven days.
Student who receives the Committee’s approval for Extension of Student Status, must consider the following: Within five workdays after the decision of the Committee for Student Affairs, we will prepare an enrolment sheet, which should be filled electronically in VIS, and therefore complete enrolment to the higher year. VIS can be accessed through the Alma Mater website - with a personal password.
We kindly ask you to confirm that you have settled all your financial obligations for the previous year before the enrolment and completed all assigned surveys.
Costs of student status extension
Each student settles the enrolment fee as per Alma Mater price list (EUR 100.00). When filling in the UPN payment order, state SI00 and account numberas reference, name, surname and “status extension” as purpose of payment. Other banking information can be found at the following link: .