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Credit transfer

A student who has completed courses at another educational institution or study program, may be able to transfer credits to the current study programme. Previously completed courses or credits may allow you to commence with your studies at advanced stage within chosen program. When enrolling to Alma Mater, you may submit the Application for credit transfer (ECMISHAP) to the Student office of Alma Mater, Slovenska ulica 17, 2000 Maribor

The following documents should be attached to the application:

  • Exam confirmation or academic transcript of records – original;
  • Confirmed content of courses.

Candidates who would like to receive the decision on credit transfers prior to their enrolment are requested to enclose a confirmation of payment fr costs for issuing the decision in the amount of 300 EUR, as per Alma Mater Pricelist for the current academic year. In case a candidate decides to enrol to Alma Mater, the cost of credit transfer is deducted from (the first instalment of) the tuition fee.

Payment details:

Alma Mater Europaea University
Slovenska ulica 17
2000 Maribor

Transaction account: IBAN SI56 0451 5000 1391 585 (NOVA KBM d.d.)
Amount: 300,00 EUR
Purpose of payment: Application for credit transfer

Credit transfers and recognition of formal/ informal education is considered by the Committee for Student Affairs. The applications are accepted by November 15th of the current academic year. Late applications are not considered.

Based on the Decision for recognition of previous education/ course transfers, students may apply for tuition fee reduction for current academic year. Reduced tuition fees can be claimed by those who have at least 20 ECTS recognised. The tuition fee is reduced by 30% if 20 ECTS - 30 ECTS are recognized in each year, or by 50% if 31 ECTS - 40 ECTS are recognised in each year. Only fully recognised study obligations are considered for tuition fee deduction. The application for reduction of tuition fees and the Decision on the recognition of study obligations must be submitted no later than 8 days after receiving the Decision on the recognition of study obligations.

The Committee for Student Affairs will recognize knowledge or skills that, in terms of content and complexity, correspond entirely or partly to general and/or to subject-specific competences defined by the study program, based on the statutory criteria (defined in the Higher Education Act, Ur.l.RS, No. 67/1993 with amendments and Criteria for Transitions between Study Programs, Official Gazette of RS, No. 95/2010).

Recognition of informal knowledge and skills

Candidates who wish to have their informally acquired knowledge and skills recognised as a condition for enrolment or as part of study program, may apply for Recognition of informally acquired knowledge and skills.  The candidates are requested to submit all documents and proofs, relevant for evaluation of informally obtained knowledge and skills. The procedure may be charged in compliance with the Alma Mater Pricelist.

The process of recognition of informal knowledge and skills commences with the request of the candidate, by submitting the application form and supporting documents to the Student office.

Recognition of prior education for the purpose of continuing education

Candidates, who hold a foreign certificate of education and wish to continue with education in Republic of Slovenia, are bound to acquire the Decision of recognition of prior foreign education for the purpose of continuing education in Republic of Slovenia. The procedure commences with submission of application form to eVŠ portal. The procedure is conducted by an authorized person at the faculty/ academy.

The deadline for issuing a decision is two months from the date of receipt of a complete application.

Students are required to submit the following documents:

  • completed and signed application form,
  • certified copy or original bachelor degree certificate (if you are applying for a master degree) or master degree certificate (if you are applying for a PhD),
  • certified copies of annual transcripts of grades, diploma supplement or any other documents, demonstrating duration and content of education,
  • court-certified translations of final degree certificate and transcripts of grades in Slovene, English or German language,
  • chronological description of previous education.