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News & events

Walk with a heart for David

11.10. 2022.

At Alma Mater, we are very proud of our future physiotherapists. As part of the Physiotherapists without Borders project, they again showed their heart with a spirited hike to the Pohorje mountain range to the Luka hut - A walk with a heart for the boy David.

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It''s About People 2023: Call For Papers

07.10. 2022.

Alma Mater Europaea - ECM and the European Academy of Sciences and Arts invite you to participate in the 11th academic conference It''s About People, between 10 and 17 March 2023, that will be dedicated to Social and Technological Development in Service of Security and Dignity.

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32nd Conference “International Archival Day” 2022

06.10. 2022.

International Institute for the archival science Trieste/Italy – Maribor/Slovenia, and Department of Archival studies Alma Mater Europaea – ECM kindly invite you to 32nd Conference “International Archival Day” 2022 that will take place on Monday, October 10 and Tuesday, October 11, every day between 10.00 – 16.00 (GMT +1).

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Eight doctoral students in social gerontology will present their papers at the IFAC conference

06.10. 2022.

Alma Mater regularly hosts international conferences of the International Federation of Automatic Control - IFAC. This year''s event will occur at the end of October in Priština.

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Alma Mater is the coordinator for active and healthy aging in Eastern Slovenia

06.10. 2022.

Alma Mater Europaea – ECM was successful in the 4th European tender of the partnership of reference sites for active and healthy aging "AHA Reference Site" and thus became the coordinator for the region of Eastern Slovenia.

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JHRS Call for papers

05.10. 2022.

Alma Mater Europaea – ECM and the Macedonian Scientific Society for Autism create a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed, scientific, international, and electronic journal, Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (JHRS), which invites submission of articles.

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A new academic path for EU project managers

04.10. 2022.

Alma Mater is a partner of the EUPM - Improving EU funds management project, which brings together universities from seven European countries. The project aims to define an innovative and common academic path for better project planning and management in Europe.

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Welcome, a new generation of Alma Mater students!

03.10. 2022.

We welcome the 14th generation of students to Alma Mater Europaea — ECM, Academy of Dance, and ISH. On the day of welcome on September 30, 2022, in all four locations — Maribor, Ljubljana, Koper, and Murska Sobota — we were joined by first-year students from all study programs

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We impressed the older adults with memory retention exercises

30.09. 2022.

Students of Social Gerontology at Alma Mater Tjaša Rohjt, Tjaša Draškovič, and Nika Žurman, together with their mentors, actively participated in the 21st Festival for the third stage of life.

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A comprehensive renovation of the educational system in Slovenia is necessary

29.09. 2022.

Alma Mater Europaea – ECM hosted a panel discussion with a round table on the pressing issues about the education system in Slovenia and the establishment of a holistic approach in education, related to the quality of life and mental health. Over 1,000 participants participated in the event, indicating that the issue in the field of education is highly actual and urgent.

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