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News & events

Alma Mater on ECIM 2017 in Berlin

16.05. 2017.

A delegation of Alma Mater Euroapea ECM participated at the 10th European Congress of integrative medicine that took place at the beginning of May in Berlin.

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Auditions for Admission to the Dance Academy – Modern Dance

11.05. 2017.

On Thursday, May 25th, 2017 at 10:00AM, we will be holding auditions for our Dance Academy, study program Dance, Choreography, in particular Contemporary Dance. This is a condition for admission to our undergraduate program.

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Alma Mater and University of Maribor Students Raising Awareness

11.05. 2017.

The student council of Alma Mater successfully completed the project “Maribor, City of Health”, as organized in combination with Maribor’s Society of Medical Students.

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Number of people over 65 expected to rise by 2030

09.05. 2017.

Participants of the ‘Slovenija 2030’ conference – the challenges of the silver generation, hosted by president of the republic Borut Pahor, highlighted the importance of planned operation. Prof. doc. Marija Ovsenik, dean of social gerontology at Alma Mater, also participated at the conference, bringing to light the ever-increasing importance of her field. Participants agreed on an approach in the drafting of strategy for a long-living society, whereby activities that were previously separated via age groups, should be interwoven.

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24.04. 2017.

AMEU-ECM has hosted Assistant Professor Eva Turk from 17th till 21st of April 2017, within the operation »Building Bridges« - short and long visits of foreign experts and higher education teachers to AMEU in years 2016 – 2018. Assistant Professor Eva Turk gave lectures on master study programme Health Sciences.

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Accreditation for a location in Koper

10.04. 2017.

National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (NAKVIS) has granted Alma Mater Europaea - ECM accreditation to carry out a study of physiotherapy and social gerontology in Koper. Welcome on the information day in Koper.

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05.04. 2017.

On Sunday, 7th of May 2017, we will attend the running Wings for Life in Ljubljana. You can apply until Sunday, 12th of April 2017, on the link below. The number of places is limited to 50 students (from each faculty 25 students). Entry fee is 20 euros, which will go entirely to charity.

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Physiotherapy students for young athletes

16.03. 2017.

Senior students of independent higher education institution Alma Mater Europaea - ECM Physiotherapy program, will under the supervision of professional trainers (MSc. And BSc. Physiotherapists working in the field of locomotor apparatus and rehabilitation of injuries) carry out physiotherapy treatment for promising young athletes.

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More than 1,200 participants from 16 different countries

14.03. 2017.

Alma Mater Europaea - ECM has successfully completed the International Week at Alma Mater, which ended with a conference: All about people.

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»BUILDING BRIDGES« - Hosting lectures on AMEU in years 2016-2018

13.03. 2017.

AMEU-ECM has hosted Professor Zdravko Šorđan and physiotherapist Matthias Burkert from 8th till 12th of March 2017, within the operation »Building Bridges« - short and long visits of foreign experts and higher education teachers to AMEU in years 2016 – 2018. Professor Zdravko Šorđan gave lectures on doctoral study programme Strategic communication management meanwhile physiotherapist Matthias Burkert shared his expertise at bachelor study programme Physical therapy.

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