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News & events

Lecture of prof. dr. Ludvik Toplak at Europe Day

18.05. 2018.

At the celebration of Europe Day on May 9, prof. dr. Ludvik Toplak gave a short lecture to students and professors of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Mostar about European integration processes. Professor Toplak emphasized the important role of education in the integration processes in Europe and indicated the guidelines to be followed by educational institutions such as deetatization of education, transnationality and interdisciplinarity. In this way, bridges between nations are being built and tolerance is developed, opening up opportunities for equal participation of young people on the European market.

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Physiotherapy students hosted Paralympic athlete, Janez Učakar

16.05. 2018.

The Department of Physiotherapy hosted the Paralympic athlete, Janez Učakar, within the elective subject Sports Activities of Disabled People (lecturer Tine Kovačič, M.Sc.), Janez Učakar is a member of the Slovenian Wheelchair Basketball team. He and his wife Alenka shared the experience of living together, inclusion and cooperation in sports activities in sports-motion programs through which people with paraplegia remain physically active.

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India Day at Alma Mater

09.05. 2018.

The Embassy of India in Slovenia and Alma Mater Europaea – ECM prepared a joint event, commemorating the 157th anniversary of the birth of Rabindranath Tagore.

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Prof. dr. Jurij Toplak at Columbia University on the symbols of Ustashe movement and the freedom of speech

08.05. 2018.

Prof. dr. Jurij Toplak from Alma Mater and prof. dr. Djordje Gardašević from the University of Zagreb successfully presented their research on usage of political and historic symbols within the frame of liberty of speech.

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Alma Mater at the 4th summer school on archival studies in Oman

07.05. 2018.

On May 6, the 4th summer school on Archival studies began in Oman (it will last until May 12), prepared and carried out by professors of Archival studies from Alma Mater Europaea ECM, lead by the study dean, assist. prof. dr. Peter Pavel Klasinc. Faculty included assist. prof. dr. Miroslav Novak, assist. prof. dr. Zdenka Semlič Rajh, assist. prof. dr. Tatjana Hajtnik and senior lecturer mag. Aida Škoro Babič.

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24.04. 2018.

The Dance Academy is proud to present the guest professor who will come to Slovenia to teach within the subject Choreography (Study programme Ballet, professor of which is dr. Mateja Bučar). Milko Šparemblek, who is considered one of the most important choreographers in Europe.

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»BUILDING BRIDGES« - Hosting lectures on AMEU in years 2016-2018

23.04. 2018.

AMEU-ECM has hosted dr. Helena Malmivirta from April 14 2018 till April 21 2018, within the operation »Building Bridges« - short and long visits of foreign experts and higher education teachers to AMEU in years 2016 – 2018. Dr. Helena Malmivirta gave lectures on study programmes Social gerontology and Physiotherapy.

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Prof. dr. Ludvik Toplak Recipient of the Gold Certificate

23.04. 2018.

resident of Alma Mater Europaea - ECM prof. dr. Ludvik Toplak has received the Gold certificate, awarded to individuals for their work in intercultural activities.

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Audition for the Dance Academy for the academic year 2018/19

20.04. 2018.

Alma Mater Europaea – Dance Academy invites future students for audition for the next academic year.

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Joint meeting of AMEU – ISH and the Slovene Association for Public Relations Lecture of dr. Damjana Pondelek on facing crisis situations

18.04. 2018.

On the first Thursday in April, AMEU ISH (Postgraduate school of Humanities) together with the Slovene Association of Public Relations (PRSS) - area 01, organised a meeting in Ljubljana with dr. Damjana Pondelek on the topic of facing crisis situations, affairs and other difficult stories.

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