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News & events

11th European congress for integrative medicine (ECIM)

30.08. 2018.

The 11th European congress for integrative medicine (ECIM) will be held between 21 and 23 September in Hotel Union Ljubljana. The congress will be held under the auspices of the President RS, Mr. Borut Pahor, and in the organisation of Alma Mater Europaea - ECM and with cooperation of the Association of Integrative Medicine of Slovenia.

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Findings from MATES project presented in Brussels

23.07. 2018.

Brussels hosted the closing conference within the MATES (Multi-Agency Training Strategies for Radicalised Youth) project that has been carried since 2016 by researchers from six European countries. The conference topic was prevention of radicalisation of youth.

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Alma Mater representatives at the World Championship in volleyball

17.07. 2018.

Alma Mater student - Matjaž Lobnik represented the colours of Alma Mater Europaea - ECM at the World Championship in Beach Volleyball. His double placed 27th.

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Accreditation for a new doctoral study programme - PHYSIOTHERAPY

16.07. 2018.

We are glad to announce that Alma Mater Europaea – ECM received accreditation for the doctoral study programme Physiotherapy from the Slovene Agency for Quality Assurance (NAKVIS).

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Subsidies for Graduate studies

11.07. 2018.

Alma Mater Europaea – ECM as of 11. 7. 2018 announces subsidies for the GRADUATE STUDIES for the new academic year 2018/2019.

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Successful second generation

09.07. 2018.

For the second year in a row, the International Institute for Psychotherapy and Applied Psychology (Therapeutic center for Families, Couples and Individuals) organized together with Alma Mater Europaea a co-financed training on in the field of advisory and therapeutic work on the topic of upgrading knowledge and personal experience. The training was led by psychotherapist Jasmina Kristovič and was successfully completed by 70 students from 6 different faculties.

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XXIII. International Summer University – Europe in the Vortex of Change

06.07. 2018.

Alma Mater Europaea ECM and its researchers have participated at the XXIII. International Summer University – Europe in the Vortex of Change, organized between 25th of June and 5th of July by research institute for advanced studies IASK from Köszeg. The Summer school has addressed several topics, relevant for the future development of Europe and its societies. The participating students and lecturers have visit Maribor and Alma Mater Europaea ECM on the 30th of June. Researcher and Head of International relationships at AMEU ECM, Dr. Goran Gumze, gave the lecture on contribution of Alma Mater Europaea ECM to the common Innovative Economy. The lecture was followed by lunch and educational city tour.

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AMEU lecture on Salafism, violent radicalism and terrorism

27.06. 2018.

Alma Mater Europaea ECM organised a short lecture on Salafism, violent radicalism and terrorism as the final dissemination activity of the project MATES. MATES was carried out in 2016 and 2017 together with partners from Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany and Estonia. The lecture took place on Thursday, 28.6.2018 in the large auditorium of AMEU ECM in Maribor.

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Open days at Koper campus

26.06. 2018.

Alma Mater Europaea – ECM is organising an Open days event in Koper on Saturday, 30 June 2018. We will present the study programme Physiotherapy and the new equipment of the high-tech company Tecnobody. Warmly welcome!

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Prof. dr. Ludvik Toplak visits Moscow (VNIIDAD)

22.06. 2018.

Prof. dr. Ludvik Toplak, president of Alma Mater Europaea – ECM visited Moscow at the end of June. The visit was organised upon invitation of prof. dr. Alexey Grigoryevich Zabelin, rector of the Moscow University for Finance and Law, (MUFA), and the director of the All Russian Archives, VNIIDAD, prof dr. Nikolai Kunjyajev.

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