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News & events

Happy Easter

07.04. 2023.

May this joyful season of Easter fill your heart with renewed hope, love, and peace.

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Strengthening breath with physiotherapy

03.04. 2023.

Physiotherapy graduate Mojca Haberman is an exceptional scuba diver which requires an outstanding mental and physical preparation. In her final thesis, she focuses on breathing and respiratory diseases. She is convinced that not enough attention is given to this natural life process.

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A lecture by a renowned professor from Belgium

28.03. 2023.

The renowned Belgian professor of philosophy of medicine and ethics, Dr Ignaas Devisch from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Ghent, last Friday gave a lecture at Alma Mater Europaea ISH on the topic 'It's just me, my health and I? On the place of sickness and health in society'.

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Cardinal Puljić about the importance of religion for the peace and development of Central Europe

27.03. 2023.

Vinko Puljić, Bosnian-Herzegovinian priest, bishop, and cardinal appointed vice-rector of the Vrhbosna Catholic seminary in Sarajevo, also participated in the It's About People conference.

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Alma Mater with a unique concept of gerontological research

27.03. 2023.

Alma Mater Europaea is establishing a unique innovation concept for implementing gerontological research in three different environments to care for older adults by twinning with Pasykaf from Cyprus within Horizon's Gatekeeper project for the development of smart living environments.

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The Second Edition of Siter's Rogaška Slatina Under the Swastika

16.03. 2023.

Due to huge interest, inquiry, received media publicity, and positive reviews and reactions from the wider readership, the second (supplemented and expanded) edition of the scholarly book by author Daniel Siter, assistant, young researcher and PhD candidate at Alma Mater Europaea – ISH has been published.

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High school students speak at the It's About People conference

16.03. 2023.

Alma Mater, in cooperation with II. gimnazija Maribor (gymnasium), held an exciting round table where students presented their high school research. The It's About People conference allowed them to learn how to present research work and communicate research results with the general public early in their future academic development.

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Where is the limit of hate speech?

15.03. 2023.

Freedom of speech is a fundamental right of a democratic society. It enables individuals to form their points of view freely and, thus, their identities. But even this fundamental right is not absolute. It may be restricted to protect public safety and prevent disorder or criminal acts, including hate speech. This last represents hatred, violence, or intolerance against a particular group of people, distinguished from the rest by unique characteristics.

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Artificial intelligence and modern technologies are part of everyday life

15.03. 2023.

Experts in web technologies and applied artificial intelligence enlightened the discussion in the framework of the conference It's about people with the latest trends in creative and collaborative learning with a modern web, Internet of things growth, and new requirements of media and information literacy in modern society.

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Nataša Pirc Musar: Learning and empowerment with knowledge is an investment in society that builds bridges between us

14.03. 2023.

Conference It's About People: Social and Technological Development in Service of Security and Dignity, which ranks among the top scientific conferences in the world and represents one of the most important international events of its kind in Europe, is held under the patronage of the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Nataša Pirc Musar, who also officially opened the event.

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